chapter 18

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the next morning, the team gathers in the lobby, preparing for the day's job. everyone is geared up and ready to go, the air buzzing with a mix of excitement and determination.

"team, gather 'round!" erza calls out, standing in front of the group. "today's job is important, and we need to work together. everyone, make sure to stay focused and watch each other's backs."

you nod, but your attention is drawn to the interaction between natsu and lucy. they're sharing laughter and playful banter, and although you try to keep your feelings in check, a twinge of jealousy creeps in.

natsu catches your eye and grins, "hey, y/n! ready for another adventure?"

you smile back, though your gaze briefly flickers to lucy. "always, natsu. let's make this job a success."

gray, noticing your distraction, nudges you subtly. "don't worry too much, y/n. we've got each other's backs, remember?"

"yeah," you reply, appreciating gray's attempt to reassure you. "thanks, gray."

lucy approaches you, her expression is friendly. "y/n, ready for some action today?"

you nod, trying to suppress any signs of unease. "absolutely, lucy. let's make it a good one."

later, after the successful completion of the job, the team gathers in the guild to celebrate their victory. despite the triumph, a nagging feeling of unease lingers within you, prompting you to seek out gray. you find him in a quieter corner of the guild, nursing a drink.

"gray, can we talk?" you ask, your voice low.

he looks up, sensing the seriousness in your tone, and nods. "sure, what's on your mind?"

you take a deep breath before launching into your concerns about lucy and natsu's closeness during the job. "gray, did you notice how much time natsu and lucy spent together the whole trip? it felt like they were joined at the hip."

gray leans against the bar, thoughtful. "yeah, i noticed. but, y/n, are you sure it means anything more than friendship? natsu's always been close to lucy."

you sigh, frustration evident. "it's just... i can't shake this feeling. what if there's something more between them? i don't want to be paranoid, but it bothers me."

gray puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. "look, y/n, i get it. emotions can be messy. but natsu's not the type to hide things. if there's something going on, he'd be upfront about it."

you nod, appreciating gray's attempt to reassure you. "you're right, gray. maybe i'm overthinking things."

he smirks playfully, "overthinking is your specialty, after all. Just relax, and if you're really worried, talk to natsu. Communication is key, you know?"

you manage a small smile. "yeah, you're right. Thanks, gray. I needed someone to knock some sense into me."

gray chuckles, "anytime, y/n. We're a team, after all. Now, let's enjoy the celebration and put these worries aside for now."

you walk through the quiet streets on your way back home, thoughts still lingering on the conversation with Gray. Lost in your contemplations, you're startled when Lucy appears before you. Her expression holds a mix of anger and concern.

"y/n," Lucy's voice is low, "we need to talk."

you look at her, puzzled. "talk about what, Lucy?"

she steps closer, her gaze intense. "Natsu. I've noticed how he's been pulling away from me lately. And I can't help but think it's because of you."

you raise an eyebrow, trying to comprehend Lucy's unexpected accusation. "what are you talking about, Lucy? Natsu's your friend."

Lucy narrows her eyes, her tone turning threatening. "don't play innocent with me. I know about your past with Natsu, and I've seen the way you look at him. If you're trying to steal him away from me, I won't let it happen."

your eyes widen at Lucy's words. "Lucy, you've got it all wrong. I'm not trying to steal Natsu from anyone. We're just friends."

Lucy scoffs, her demeanor harsh. "friends? I won't let you ruin things between us. Stay away from Natsu, y/n. He's mine, not yours."

you feel a surge of frustration, defending your friendship with Natsu. "Lucy, we were best friends long before you joined Fairy Tail. I'm not trying to take him away from you. If he's distant, talk to him, figure things out. But don't blame me for something I'm not doing."

Lucy glares at you, a warning in her eyes. "This is your only warning, y/n. Stay away from Natsu if you know what's good for you."

With that, Lucy turns and walks away, leaving you standing alone in the dimly lit street.

you can't let Lucy's accusations go unanswered. jogging to catch up with her, you speak up, "lucy, wait! we need to talk about this."

she turns around, irritation evident on her face. "talk? there's nothing to talk about. i've seen the way you're always around natsu. what are you trying to pull?"

you cross your arms, a fiery determination in your eyes. "i'm not pulling anything! natsu and i have been friends for a long time. just because he's been distant doesn't mean it's my fault. maybe you should talk to him instead of blaming me."

lucy scoffs, "oh, please. i know your type. always pretending to be innocent while trying to steal other people's friends."

your frustration grows, "lucy, you're making baseless accusations. i'm not after natsu. we've been through a lot together, and i won't let you ruin our friendship with your unfounded jealousy."

lucy glares at you, her tone sharp, "jealous? you think i'm jealous of you? dream on, y/n. i'm just protecting what's mine. stay away from natsu, or you'll regret it."

you clench your fists, unwilling to back down. "lucy, i won't let you dictate who i can be friends with. if natsu's having issues, it's not because of me. talk to him, sort out your problems, but don't blame me for things i haven't done."

lucy finally faces you, her expression still hardened. "there's nothing to talk about. i see what's going on."

frustration bubbles inside you. "lucy, we were friends before you joined fairy tail. i won't let misunderstandings destroy that. if you're upset about something, talk to natsu or me, but don't make unfounded accusations."

lucy finally faces you, her expression still hardened. "unfounded? i've watched you two. always together, always so chummy. what's going on?"

you take a deep breath, trying to keep your cool. "natsu and i have been through a lot. we're close, yes, but it's just friendship. if he's been distant, it has nothing to do with me. maybe you should talk to him about whatever's bothering you."

lucy crosses her arms, "i don't need relationship advice from you."

"it's not advice; it's common sense. accusing me without knowing the facts isn't fair to either of us. let's clear this up like adults."

the tension lingers as you wait for her response, hoping she'll be open to resolving the misunderstanding.

you roll your eyes, frustrated with the ongoing tension. "fine, if you're not willing to have an adult conversation, then i'm not wasting my time. but remember, baseless accusations and assumptions will only hurt our guild and our friendships."

with that, you walk away, leaving Lucy behind. the ball is in her court now, and you hope she'll come to her senses and approach the situation more reasonably.

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