chapter 8

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the team was gathered in Lucy and natsu's hotel room. it felt confined as the team gathered after a day of separate searching. worry etched lines on their faces, and a heavy silence filled the room, emphasizing your absence. 

erza tries calling your name on the radio one more time. she furrowed her brows. "where's y/n? she should have been back by now." 

Lucy, flipping through her keys, added with a concerned tone, "yeah, it's not like her to be late or not check in." 

gray muttered, "maybe she got caught up in something."

natsu stood up abruptly, "i'm gonna find her!"

erza stepped forward with a commanding presence. "natsu, rushing out without a plan won't help y/n. we need to approach this strategically."

natsu retorted, "but erza, she could be in danger! I can't just wait here."

erza's gaze softened, "I know you're worried, but recklessness won't serve y/n. we need a plan, information, and coordination."

Lucy added, "erza's right, natsu. we can't charge in blindly. we need to assess the situation before taking action." 

gray agreed. "we should gather any intel first. find out if anyone has seen y/n or knows where she might be."

peach, who had been anxiously fluttering, couldn't contain her worry any longer. peach worried heavily. every passing moment without y/n's returned weighed on her, and her wide eyes constantly darted toward the door, her tail twitching nervously. "guys, i'm really worried about her. she's never been gone like this before."

"I just can't sit around doing nothing. what if she's in trouble?" natsu sighs. 

erza, now standing near the window, stated, "we need to consider all possibilities. y/n is resourceful, but we can't ignore the potential dangers out there."

Lucy, her celestial keys now clasped tightly in her hands, voiced her worry. " I can't shake this feeling that something's wrong. we should have heard from her by now." Lucy stands up and grabs the walkie talkie on the table. she tries to reach you. 

gray spoke, "I'll admit this is strange. she's not one to be late without a good reason." 

"we need to be smart about all this." erza says. 

natsu, reluctantly relenting, sighed once again. "fine, but we better hurry. I can't sit here doing nothing."

erza placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "we won't. we'll make a plan and move swiftly. y/n's safety is our top priority."

the once-tense atmosphere in the hotel room transformed into a focused determination. the heaviness lingered, but now it fueled their resolve to bring y/n back safely. 

erza, gray, natsu, happy, and Lucy followed peach through bustling streets and dimly lit alleys. they tirelessly searched for any signs of y/n.

as peach flitted between building and rooftops, her keen eyes caught a glimmer of metal in the distance. hovering cautiously, she guided the group towards an abandoned warehouse with a slightly ajar door. a cold breeze whispered through it, sending shivers down their spines. 

erza took a step forwards, "stay sharp everyone. this might be where y/n was taken."

gray, scanned the surroundings, nodding with a stoic expression. "we don't know what we're walking into. be ready for anything."

natsu, flames flickering with impatience, growled, "enough talk. let's get in there and find y/n."

happy, his wings fluttering nervously, chimed in, "hold on, natsu. we need to figure out what's going on first."

as peach guided the group into the dimly lit warehouse, natsu's heightened dragon senses caught a faint scent lingering in the air. he narrowed his eyes, his senses on high alert. 

natsu spoke with determination, "I smell something. y/n was here and not too long ago."

erza's gaze sharpened. "follow the scent, natsu. it might lead us to y/n." 

peach, though not leading the group, kept pace as natsu followed the scent trail deeper into the warehouse. the signs of struggle became more apparent as they ventured further, increasing the urgency in their quest to find y/n. 

as natsu led the team through a maze of crates, the scent grew stronger. suddenly, natsu's keen eyes spotted a familiar object on the cold floor- walkie talkie adorned with the guild emblem. natsu picked it up, "guys, look! y/n's walkie."

erza's gaze hardened, "she must've dropped it during a fight. let's find y/n and get her out of here." 

in the dimly lit chamber, the echoes of malachor's torment lingered in your mind. surrounded by shadows, the shadow wizard grins as you regain consciousness. malachor, his presence oozing darkness, circles you, reveling in your discomfort. "back in the land of the living, I see. I hope you enjoyed our little session."

defiant, you glare at him, despite the weariness in your eyes. "what happens to the wizards you've already drained?"

malachor's twisted smile widens. "they serve their purpose and become expandable. once we've drained their magic completely, I dispose of their lifeless bodies."

a chill runs down your spine. "y-you kill them?"

malachor chuckles darkly. "indeed. their magic essence fuels our power, and their lives are inconsequential." 

"you won't get away with this!"

malachor laughs as you struggle against your restraints. he takes a sharp blade and places it against your stomach. you gasp and he slides it across you. "resist all you want, y/n. your struggles only make the magic sweeter when we finally drain it from you."

you grit your teeth, "you won't break me. my friends will come for me, and your plans will crumble." 

malachor tilts his head mockingly. "oh. I do hope they come. it'll be a delightful show as they fail miserably to save you."

you meet his gaze defiantly. "what exactly do you want from all this?! power? control?"

malachor smirks, the shadows dancing around him. "both, my dear. with your magic and the magic of others, we'll have enough power to challenge even the mightiest of wizards. the world will bow to our influence."

despite the circumstances, you manage a smirk. "you're underestimating the strength of my guild. they won't let you succeed." 

malachor's eyes narrowed. "ah, the naivety of those clinging to hope. your guild members, blissfully unaway of the darkness closing in around them, stumbling through the warehouse, thinking they can save you."

as he speaks, a pained expression crosses your face, knowing the peril your friends face in their quest to rescue you. 

malachor grabs a fistful of your hair tightly and pulls you towards his face, "it won't be long now. soon, your magic will be ours, and your friends' futile attempts to save you will be their undoing. the grand finale approaches, and the curtain will fall on your defiance." 

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