chapter 21

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a/n: y'all i'm so sorry, but there's gonna be a lot of skips right now. i'm tryna get Wendy, gajeel, and juvia joining the guild out the way heheh

amidst the celebratory cheers in the guild after the fantasia parade, max unveils the surprising results of the miss fairy tail contest. to everyone's shock, your name is announced as the winner, breaking the long-standing tradition. the guild cheers for you.

erza approaches you, graciously acknowledging your victory as she secures the 2nd position. however, the mood takes a sharp turn when Lucy, claiming the third spot, can't resist injecting a not-so-subtle competitive edge in her remarks.

"well, well it seems even the most unexpected things can happen." Lucy remarks, a smirk playing on her lips as her eyes scrutinize you.

you respond with a humble smile, "it was a surprise, Lucy. just a bit of fun. I appreciate the support from everyone."

lucy's tone turns notably passive aggressive, "oh, absolutely. who could have predicted? erza, our indomitable queen, finally taking a backseat."

maintaining your composure, you reply, "okay, Lucy. it's all in good fun, right?"

lucy smirks, a tone of passive-aggression coating her words. "congratulations on the win, y/n. it's almost like it's your first time in years, right? must be a refreshing change."

you respond with a faux smile, matching her passive aggression, "oh, it is. winning feels new and exciting, unlike some things that never change."

she raises an eyebrow, challenging you further. "well, enjoy it while it lasts. winning a contest doesn't make you invincible, you know."

your retort is equally laced with passive aggression, "true, but it does make for a delightful change of scenery. perhaps i should get used to this view from the top."

amidst the jubilant revelry in the guild, lucy couldn't resist one final barb before making her exit.

"enjoy the crown, y/n. it suits someone who only knows how to snatch victories when it doesn't matter," lucy sneers, her words dripping with disdain. with that parting shot, she saunters away, leaving a bitter aftertaste in the air.

natsu, bandaged from his recent skirmish with laxus, approaches you with a bright smile, oblivious to lucy's venomous words. "hey, y/n! heard you won the miss fairy tale contest. that's awesome! you totally deserved it!"

his genuine congratulation wipes away any lingering bitterness, and you find yourself grinning in response. "thanks, natsu! it was unexpected, but i'm glad everyone enjoyed the show."

natsu claps you on the back, his enthusiasm infectious. "well, you've always got something up your sleeve. it was entertaining, and you looked pretty cool up there. actually follow me." he takes your hand.

natsu guides you to the lively patio, where the vibrant energy of the guild spills out into the night. amidst the hustle, he excitedly hands you a small, beautifully wrapped box.

"check this out, y/n! i saw it at one of the stalls and thought you might like it," he grins, his anticipation evident.

you playfully raise an eyebrow, "oh, natsu, you're not proposing, are you? it's a bit soon for that, don't you think?" you jest, holding back a mischievous giggle.

natsu laughs heartily, his cheeks flushing slightly. "no, no! it's just a gift. open it!"

with an eager grin, you unwrap the package to reveal a stunning ring with a mesmerizing blue jewel. your eyes widen in surprise, and you shoot him a playful look. "wow, natsu! did you rob a dragon's hoard to get me this?"

natsu chuckles, scratching his head. "nah, just found a really good deal. do you like it?"

you slip the ring onto your finger, admiring the sparkle. "it's gorgeous, natsu! thanks a bunch. you've got a good eye for gifts."

he grins proudly, happy to have pleased you. "well, you deserve the best, y/n."

amidst the festive atmosphere, you shoot natsu a sly smile, teasingly twirling the ring on your finger. "so, natsu, any particular reason you chose blue? is it the color of friendship or something?"

natsu scratches his head, looking a bit puzzled. "well, i thought it looked cool. and... you know, blue is nice and kinda your color."

you raise an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "oh, just nice? not a symbol of some deep, mysterious emotions?"

natsu laughs, seemingly oblivious to your subtle hints. "nah, just thought it suited you cause of your magic and all. you like it, right?"

you chuckle, realizing you might be stuck in the friend zone for now and maybe forever. "sure, sure, it's great. just thought you might be getting all poetic on me."

natsu grins, giving you a friendly pat on the back. "nah, not my style. let's just enjoy the night, okay?"

you play along, pushing aside any disappointment with a playful grin. "sure thing, natsu."

you quietly clean up the remnants of the guild's celebration. most members have succumbed to the effects of the night. as you move towards the bar, you notice Lucy and natsu engaged in conversation.

as you discreetly eavesdrop on natsu and lucy's conversation, Lucy starts to make passive aggressive comments about you.

Lucy: "natsu have you ever noticed how much y/n spends with you? it's like she's always hovering around, trying to get your attention. it has to be a little irritating, right?"

natsu, unaware of your presence, responds casually, not realizing the implications.

natsu: "yeah, she's always there, huh? it's like we're inseparable."

you storm out, convinced natsu agrees with lucy's comments about your presence being irritating.

natsu continues, "but you know I just like having her around all the time! she's a great friend."

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