chapter 13

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as you stormed away in frustration, the table fell into a hushed silence. natsu slammed his fist on the table with determination. "enough of this! y/n needs to go on a job, and I won't stand by while she's held back. it's not right, and I won't let gramps keep her on the sidelines."

gray, raising a brow, glanced at natsu. "come on, natsu. gramps knows what he's doing. he's been leading this guild for longer than we've been alive. we can't just question his decisions like this."

natsu shot back, "she's not in trouble. she's a strong wizard, and we should let her prove it. holding her back won't do any good. it's time we convince gramps to change his mind."

lucy added, "I understand, natsu, but master has our best interest at heart. y/n's safety is a priority, and we should respect his judgment."

erza nodded. "I agree. master's decisions are not made lightly. we must trust his experience and guidance. he cares deeply for each member of the guild."

peach chimed in, "I get you're worried, natsu, but we should talk to master instead of going against his decisions. there might be a compromise we can reach."

natsu declared, "I know gramps cares, but y/n needs to prove herself. we can't keep treating her like a delicate flower. she's a powerful wizard, and it's time she takes charge of her own destiny."

the other team members sighed, realizing that natsu's determination was not easily swayed.

after the heated discussion, natsu walked alongside Lucy through the dimly lit streets of magnolia. the tension from the earlier conversation lingered.

Lucy broke the silence. "natsu, I know you're worried about y/n, but we have to trust master's decisions. he knows what he's doing."

natsu, his hands shoved into his pockets, kicked a pebble along the sidewalk. "I just don't want her to miss out on the action, you know? she's a strong wizard and she deserves a chance to prove it."

Lucy shot him a sidelong glance, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "natsu, is this really just about her abilities? or is there something else on your mind?"

natsu looked at Lucy, caught off guard by the question. "what do you mean?"

Lucy chuckled softly. "you've been acting different lately. more protective, more concerned. it's like you're worried about something more than just y/n's skills. do you... have feelings for her?"

natsu's eyes widened, and he stumbled over his words. "wh-what? no way! I mean she's a friend, and I just want what's best for her. that's all."

Lucy raised an eyebrow, unconvinced. "natsu, you can be honest with me. if there's something more, it's okay. we're all friends here."

natsu sighed, running a hand through his spiky hair. "alright, maybe... maybe I do worry about her more than the others. but it's not like that! she's just... important to the team, you know? I can't stand the thought of her missing out on the fun."

lucy smirked, teasing him gently. "natsu dragneel, worried about someone else having fun? now i've seen everything. but seriously, if you do have feelings for y/n, it's okay. just be honest with yourself."

natsu huffed, his cheeks tinged with a hint of pink. "whatever."

"I know about your past with her. I know about you guys are known as the twin dragons. you two have really been through a lot, huh?"

natsu scratched the back of his head, a sheepish grin on his face. "yeah, we did. we were both lost and taken in by dragons. y/n's dragon name was crystalis."

Lucy nodded, understanding the weight of those shared experiences. "crystalis... that's a beautiful name. I want to make sure y/n gets a chance to shine without the shadows of her past holding her back." Lucy placed a comforting hand on natsu's shoulder. "you've always been there for each other. now it's our turn to support her. we'll convince master to give her that chance."

natsu smiled, grateful for lucy's understanding.

lucy's eyes gleamed mischievously as they continued their walk. "so, natsu, how did you feel when you found out y/n and loke hooked up?"

natsu's brows furrowed, a hint of irritation crossing his features. "why are you even asking that? it's not like y/n and I are a thing. we're just friends, and loke is... well he's loke."

Lucy chuckled, finding amusement in natsu's reaction. "I'm just curious, natsu. you've been protective, and with y/n's past, I thought it might cross your mind."

natsu huffed, crossing his arms. "look, Lucy, y/n can do whatever she wants. it's not my business, and i'm not getting involved in that stuff. we're a team, and that's what matters."

Lucy grinned, pushing the playful teasing a bit further. "come on, natsu. i've seen the way you look out for her. are you sure there's nothing more?"

natsu's cheeks flushed with a tinge of embarrassment. "I told you, Lucy. it's not like that. let's drop it and focus on getting master to let her go on that job."

as natsu and lucy reached lucy's house, lucy glanced at natsu, a playful glint in her eyes. "well, natsu, this has been an interesting walk. who would've thought we'd discuss y/n's love life?"

natsu scratched his head, a bit flustered. "yeah, yeah, let's just forget about that. we need to focus on getting y/n that job."

lucy laughed, enjoying the banter. "alright, alright. but one last thing before we head in. you know, natsu, it's okay to have feelings for someone. it doesn't make you any less of a dragon slayer."

natsu sighed, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude. "i know, lucy. it's just... y/n's been through a lot, and i want to make sure she's happy."

lucy's expression softened, and she placed a hand on natsu's shoulder. "i get it, natsu. you care about her, and that's a good thing. just don't forget to take care of yourself too."

as they approached lucy's doorstep, lucy couldn't resist a playful smile. "hey, natsu, if things don't work out with y/n, you know where to find me, right?"

natsu's eyes widened, caught off guard by lucy's flirtatious remark. he stammered, "w-what are you talking about, lucy?"

lucy giggled, giving him a wink. "nothing, natsu. let's focus on helping y/n and getting this job approved."

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