Sparks and Secrets

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Gilly awoke Friday morning with a letter from Raz at her door. It said to be at the Blue Fairy Boutique by 1 pm. Gilly rolled her eyes and got her bag ready, with her new keychain on it. She ate her breakfast and helped tidy up the shop a little, then left.

She met with Raz and was a little bit on edge. Just last night, Raz had found out Gilly was with Jax ,alone, in a river, at night. "Um Good morning, your highness" "Ah, being proper to make up for your troubles yesterday" Raz laughed. "But as I've been saying, call me Raz" Gilly nodded. She already called her Raz but it felt awkward sometimes since it was a family nickname.

"So what are we doing here?" Gilly asked as she looked around the dress racks. "Well, we can't have you going to a ball and not be dressed accordingly" Gilly gave her funny look and Raz sighed. "I also need to pick out my dress, I've been putting it off recently." "But you're always in the village? What have you been doing in the meantime?" Gilly wondered and Raz turned pink.

"That is unimportant!" She said flustered. "We just need to get dresses and accessories and then we're done, ok?" Gilly nodded but opened her mouth to ask a question. "Don't worry about paying, I've got it" Raz interrupted. Gilly felt a little guilty but it was Raz's idea for Gilly to go. "Uhh is there a color I have to wear or?" "Oh yes, I'd prefer it to be some shade of purple, as that is my family's signature color" "So I have to blend in with you guys?" "Not entirely, but it'll look great for photos."

"Ok then" Gilly looked around a little and saw many gorgeous dresses but none that necessarily caught her eye. If she was gonna be at a ball, she might as well wear something she liked. "Oh my Grimm, look at this one" Raz showed Gilly a beautiful lavender gown with layers of chiffon. It had flowers and was off the shoulders. "Now that's a dress" Gilly remarked and Raz smiled. "Now all we need is to find you one, I'm going to try this on, keep searching."

Gilly continued going through the racks but none stood out. "Need any help?" The blue fairy came around the corner. She was as beautiful as everyone says. Locks of blonde hair that rested upon sparkling blue wings and dress. Gilly never met her in person due to never going to such a luxurious boutique before. "Yes, I need a dress for a ball, preferably purple" "Hmm, let me look at you." The Fairy floated around her in a circle twice and then closed her eyes.

"Ah, I know just the one!" She said and floated to a rack that Gilly had already checked. She pulled a striking amethyst gown, full skirt, corset, and black straps that tie into bows. "It's gorgeous" "And perfect for you" The Fairy handed her the dress with a warm smile.  "I already checked that entire rack, I didn't even see that dress!" Gilly was a tad bit more than confused.

"Oh darling, my boutique is not exclusive for no reason" The fairy chuckled. "The dresses are meant to be perfectly suited to the person. Each dress is one of a kind and they will only show themselves to someone who is truly trying." "But I was trying" Gilly said defensively. "Well sometimes we all need a little help" The fairy placed a hand on her shoulder. Raz came out of the dressing room and walked towards the checkout with a huge smile.

"I'm taking it, it's gorgeous and it's- Oh! You found one too!" Gilly smiled and showed her the dress. "Do you want to try it on?" "No I think it's perfect" Gilly looked at the fairy and the fairy nodded. "Ok well then just these two dresses, Afina." "Wonderful" The Fairy, or Afina, took the dresses and spelled them into protective bags. "Here's my card" Raz took the dresses and said goodbye to Afina.

"Goodbye, and you are always welcome back here, for anything, Gillian" Gilly smiled and went with Raz to the carriage. "Alright next we have to go to Combing the Sea for accessories, I take it I won't have to worry about any thing going missing?" Raz questioned with a smirk. Gilly laughed heartily. "Yeah, those days are behind me" Well not entirely, Gilly still liked to get into trouble, just not petty theft.Raz entered the shop and handed Gilly a bag of coins. "Go wild" She grinned and shopped on her own. Gilly looked around while Neal kept an eye on her, she gave him a flick from her pointer finger and he glared at her. She looked around and found a pretty pair of amethyst earrings with a matching necklace. Raz came over, having already bought what she wanted in the amount of time it took Gilly to look.

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