Time and Tea

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It was still dark out when Gilly heard a knock at her door. One glance at the alarm clock and she knew it was too early for someone to wake her up. Gilly rolled out of bed and answered the door. Her room was nice, with a big comfy bed with navy blue sheets and curtains. She had a fireplace and a bay window. A pretty closet and vanity were in the corners as well as two bookshelves.

Gilly opened the door and saw Jax in his pajamas. "Do you know what time it is? It's 4 am." She stated and Jax smarted at the question. "I know, but I just wanted to see how you were doing." "You couldn't have done that when I was actually awake?" She laughed and He rolled his eyes. "I knew you'd be busy or caught up in something else so I had to make time to see you." Gilly smiled and was about to let him in when he extended out his hand. "Do you want to go for a walk?"

"Sure, let me get my shoes on." Gilly took Jax's arm and he walked her through the halls. "How are you holding up?" "Well ya know, I just found out my aunt is a princess in Wonderland and she has high expectations for me. Add another person to that list" she rolled her eyes. They passed a window and Gilly stared outside. Even from all the way up here, she could see the city with all its fireplaces lit up. How she wished she could see sights like this forever. Actually, that was quite an idea.

"If you need to talk, Gilly, I am always here." Gilly turned to him with a small frown. "Thank you." Jax wrapped his arms around her. "Aw come here, thief." She held on tight to him and he walked her back to her room. "I'll let you rest but I will be back to get you for breakfast." She smiled and they said their goodnights.

The next morning, Jax woke everyone up and took them to the dining room for breakfast. Rose and Remi were in high spirits, having not received very many guests before. "So what was Wonderland like?" AG asked. "I haven't been to very many places so I'd like to know." Rose and Remi smiled. "Well after I fell into the rabbit hole, I met the Queen of Hearts who was not all sugar and sweets. I ran as fast as I could and found my way into the Red Queen's court. She took me in and taught me everything I know about magic."

Rose winked and the teacups began spinning. She flicked her wrist and the whole table began floating. "Woah" Jack said and the entire crew was in awe. "Wonderland doesn't bend to our world's rules. Trust me this is nothing compared to the purple and pink checkered skies there." Rose chuckled. She put the tables down and Maxine raised her hand. "So how did you two fall in love?" She asked with a dreamy look. "Well I think I can be the one to tell that story." Remi smiled. "It all started when I was a stow away on carriage into the Queen of Hearts' court. I wanted an adventure and I got it. She found me and I ran into Miss Rose who also happened to be in hot tea with the Queen."

"We ran as fast as we possibly could and ended up in the tulgey woods where Chess helped us back home. The troublemaker however sent us home two sizes too small so the Red Queen had to fix it. Rose studied with my mother and I took great interest in the young outsider." Rose laughed and drank more coffee. "Oh it's quite a story for the ages but far better when seen." They smirked and stood up. "It's time you see the other kinds of magic Rose can do." Remi smiled and they led them to another room. This one was covered in red curtains and no fireplaces. It was noticeably colder but not so much that they couldn't bear it. There was only a small pot of smoke in the middle and a giant mirror in the back of the room.

"Gather around, I'll show you our story." Rose placed her hands in the smoke and whispered some words under her breath. She stepped away and the smoke grew into the air, forming a giant ball above the pot. "Our story begins when Remi and I began spending time with each other." The ball began forming people and it morphed into Remi and Rose, only younger. Remi and Rose were at a dinner table with the Red Queen and they giggled from across the table. The next smokey vision portrayed Rose studying in a library with Remi pretending to be reading next to her. It then changed into them walking in a garden covered with red flowers and black and white checkered floors.

Of Roses Red and VioletWhere stories live. Discover now