Roses and Rides

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Ollie steered the boat while Jax kept hold of the map and compass. Everyone else kept watch of the seas. It was decently sized with a sail and a small cabin to sleep in. It had two beds but the crew wouldn't really use them anyways. The waves were strong but Jax did good on making sure they took the safest route.

It was a long trip but Maxine and AG laid out food for breakfast and lunch so the crew wasn't completely hungry. Kayla sat on top of the sail to watch for any trouble ahead. Gilly was chewing on a sandwich when she spotted a Seagull on deck. She threw her piece of tuna at it and it flapped its wings gratefully. "Gilly! Stop feeding the Seagulls!" Ollie shouted from up the deck and Gilly glared at him.

"Whatever pi-rat!" She shouted back and Ollie turned the wheel a little more to the right to make Gilly go sailing across the floor. Gilly screamed as she crashed into Jack, almost flinging him overboard. "Hans Christian Anderson! You could've killed me!" Jack shouted while Gilly's boot was in his face. "Don't blame me! Blame Captain Jerk up there!"

"I'll do it again!" Ollie shouted with a bright grin. "Stop fighting you two!" Kayla and Jax shouted. Jack and Gilly went back to keeping watch. Everything was quiet for the most part. But at 7 pm, Jax made them pull into Daises. If they continued, they would've made it to Cordova at 3 am which wasn't the best time to be visiting a foreign country unchaperoned.

They got their stuff off of the boat whilst Jax got them a carriage. They loaded their stuff in the back and then headed to the place they'd be staying. Jax didn't disclose many details but assured them it was going to be a nice place. As they turned street corners, which contained less and less people, the crew began to question whether Jax had really taken them to a good place.

"Just wait" Jax had said after the crew kept eyeing him. After they turned a dark corner, the lights in the street looked brighter and more carriages appeared. They arrived infront of a hotel that looked absolutely stunning. Gilly sucked in a breath just looking at it. "This is where we're staying?" Kayla gushed and began giggling madly. "Didn't think we'd be staying somewhere this nice" Jack said.

"Don't act so surprised, I'm a prince not a baron" Jax snorted and Gilly slapped his arm. They unloaded their stuff and went inside. The outside was white with 10 stories and gold detailing. With gorgeous pillars and sparkling light, it was almost like a palace. The front yard had lush green grass and several trees with benches and a giant fountain in the center. "Hello Ma'am, we're checking in, should be under Jaxon of Enchantasia."

Gilly and the others explored the lobby. It had comfy white couches and golden tables with beautiful flower vases on them. "I always knew I was royal, but this place makes my castle seem sad" AG was mesmerized by the little pond of koi fish inside. "Alright we have 2 rooms. We're on the 4th floor" Jax gathered everyone and they headed into the elevator.

Maxine pressed the button and they all squeezed in. As they reached the rooms, Jax handed Gilly a key. "You girls can take the room with 3 beds, the boys and I will take the room with one."  The Crew unloaded into their rooms and met back out in the lobby to discuss dinner.

"Alright well there is a really good restaurant inside of here." Jax led them to the restaurant and got them seated. "Finally some food that isn't lousy sandwiches, no offense AG and Maxine" Jocelyn shrugged and continued to look at her menu. "I'm so tired, I just want to go to sleep soon" AG yawned and ate the bread rolls that were on the table. "So what's the plan when we get to Cordova?" "We find out where Rose lives and then we pay her a visit."

"And how do we know she'll talk to us?" Jack asked. "She's my aunt, my mom told me she's been wanting to meet me for awhile." "Mmmm" Jocelyn rolled her eyes and the waiter came. "Hello, my name is Avian. I will be your server today. What can I get started for you guys?" They all ordered their food and waited for the waiter to come back.

Of Roses Red and VioletWhere stories live. Discover now