War and Winners

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(This chapter will have mention of violence and blood.)

The bell wrung out in the castle. Gilly stood on the other side of two doors that separated her from the entire kingdom. Or what was left of it.

Anthony stood at her side, seemingly unaware that Gilly was so nervous, she began pulling on her braid. She stopped herself when she saw a small petal from the flowers fall out. The doors opened and Anthony gave her his arm. Gilly held on and kept her head high as she entered the room. So many faces. A group of people in the back row staring at her with concern.

It was Alice's crew and Gilly's crew. Anthony let go of her and went back to his station. Gilly finally made it to the top of the stairs on the stage where Alva stood. Alva gave a long speech about the kingdom and what Gilly's role meant to it but Gilly could only hear the pounding in her chest. After a few minutes, she zoned back in. "Are you ready to accept this job?" "I am." Alva smiled and reached for the medal to be placed upon Gilly's sash.

"Lilian Myrian, You are now officially the Royal advisor." Gilly felt the pin latch onto her sash and Gilly turned to face everyone. The crowd went into applause. Gilly felt nice in the moment, though she was already used to this amount of gratitude. She felt Alva's hand on her shoulder and looked at her. Alva gave a smile and continued to wave to the people.

"See, they love you." She reassured and Gilly nodded. The rows became tables and chairs and each group ate at their own tables. "Now walk around and greet people. Be polite but don't give away too much about yourself." Alva pushed her forward and took her seat on her throne.

Gilly said her hellos and laughed a little with the guests. "I'm surprised there is even this amount of people left in the kingdom." Anthony remarked as he finally joined her. "I know,I would've figured they had all left by now." "I suppose some stayed and made themselves cushy with Alva." Anthony grabbed them two drinks. "Cheers to the sassiest advisor!" Gilly rolled her eyes and continued scanning the room.

She made eye contact with Jax. She subconsciously touched her arm and Jax immediately looked away. Gilly wanted to walk towards him but her feet wouldn't move. "Stop losing your head." Anthony reminded her.

Taking a deep breath, she put back on her smile and continued her hellos. "Where's-" Gilly continued looking for Alice and the rest of her crew. "Where's who?" Anthony asked. "A woman with blonde hair and a blue cat." Anthony peered around but shook his head. "I don't see anyone with that very vague description."

"Do you always have to be so petty?" "Well I-" "Go somewhere else, I need to think." Anthony shrugged and went off to greet some other people. In the corner of her eye she spotted Chess near the scepter. He was trying to grab it!

Gilly turned towards him fully and almost shouted but someone put their hands over her mouth. "Don't." Jax's stern voice made Gilly freeze. Chess reached the scepter but Alva came storming over to him. "Put that down!" She screeched and the card soldiers surrounded Chess. He dropped the scepter but tossed it elsewhere. With a giant smile, he disappeared.

"You're still alive?!" A voice exclaimed and Gilly broke away from Jax to look in Anthony's direction. An older woman was staring at him in utter shock and disbelief. "How are you still here?! I thought you died!" Anthony ushered the woman to lower her voice. "Ma'am, I have no idea what you are talking about." "It's you! The Crown Prince Anthony!"

Gilly immediately rushed to Anthony's side at the same time Alva grabbed the scepter and bounded over to them. "Miss you must be mistaken, this is General Ives, he has worked here for years." Gilly insisted but the woman did not back down. "No no no, I knew General Ives and that man died in the Tulgey Woods three years ago!" Alva turned to Anthony and one could see the fury building in her eyes.

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