Gems and Gardens

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Alva sat across Gilly with a small grin on her face. "I was wondering what was taking you so long from finding that passageway. I knew you were clever enough to find it." She gave a slight chuckle and handed Gilly a tart. Gilly normally would've declined but she was extremely hungry.

"So, are you still sulking or have you come to your senses?" "I have." "Wonderful." Alva stood and grabbed a red leather book off her shelf. "I think it's time I tell you a little about myself." She opened the book and cleared her throat. "I'm not from here as you know, and I have never married. Like I said, I loved once but he fell in love with another woman. Truth be told, she was my best friend since childhood."

Gilly only knew of one person that had been best friends with Alva and that was her own grandmother. "Really?" "Oh yes, and I was devastated when I found out but continued being friends with her until she sided with ...other people." Alva flipped through the pages as she went. "But instead of sulking, I bided my time and advanced my magic to its full potential till I was so powerful almost nobody could defeat me."

"And did someone?" Gilly was obviously being a little smug trying to ask Alva that question but she couldn't hold back. "That's what many think but I'm still here, aren't I?" She laughed as she answered and Gilly bit her tongue not to say anything. "But I advanced my magic and realized that I do not need others to help me although...."

She looked up to Gilly and smiled. "I do like your spirit and enjoy having you on my side. So many people are only here because they fear me but for some reason you don't." Gilly sucked in a breath and searched Alva's eyes for any sign that she was upset about that. This could be good or bad and one could throw Gilly off her course.

"But it's admirable that you are so confident. Not all are afforded as many gifts as you." Gilly never considered herself lucky but everyone told her she was. She wasn't really if she spent her childhood shrouded in despair.

"I was raised by a mother who cared little for me and a father who would rather I never existed. My life wasn't easy and everyone casted me off as some poor girl who could only do wrong.The only person that made it worthwhile was my best friend and you know how that went." Gilly had heard this story but never Alva's side. Grandma Pearl was right. Alva and Gilly were alike.

"I developed a hatred for the royals and anyone that loved what they symbolized. But here I am now."

"I can see you are a very strong ruler. I haven't met many royals who are so straightforward as you." "You're very kind. But I do have room for more counsel. Now, I brought you here to teach you about a very important object that is crucial to ensuring that Wonderland, and you, are safe." Alva finally reached her page and showed it to Gilly.

On the page was a drawing of a white scepter with a white gem on top and on the other side was a map of how to get to it. "It's said that the Scepter of Victory is hidden somewhere in the Chessboard Caverns and it has the power to control people's minds. I want it to protect wonderland so any villains will forget about even hurting us."

Gilly knew that she was lying but that didn't mean that she wasn't a little curious. "How can we find it?" "With the map. If someone is using its power, the scepter will change from white into the eye color of the person who the user loves most." Alva handed Gilly the book and put a red ribbon where the map was. "I want you to find it."

"What?" So Alva was just going to throw Gilly on a mission? Great. "I trust you more than anyone else in this castle and I believe you have every capability to make this happen and be a great ruler like me." "But how will I complete this?" "I'm sending General Ives with you." "But my ceremony is tomorrow?!"

"Exactly, You leave right now and go find it before sundown." Alva stood and went towards the window. "The Chessboard Caverns aren't far, just a little bit up the mountains over yonder." She pointed to a black and white checkered mountain. "Take the tunnels back to your room. Take a left then a right then a right again and you'll be back." She opened the door Gilly just came through and pushed her through the door. "Ives will be back soon to collect you. Be ready for anything."

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