Mirrors and Memories

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Gilly had spent a hour staring at her notebook before deciding to sit with the crew in the living room and discuss it together. They brainstormed all of the courses of events that could've possibly made Gilly's life what it is now and what could've thrown the prophecy off course. "So what do we have so far?" Jocelyn asked.

"Let's see, when I met Devin, me saving Jax from the gargoyles on Royal Day, Princess Rose, and Anna becoming a villain." Gilly tapped her pen against her head . "What else could there be? I mean what could've thwarted death attempts on my life?" Jocelyn snickered. "Your ginormous ego that seems to always save you." "Har har, shut up and help me think."

"Hmm. What about when Jax saved Gilly and her brothers? I mean come on, Gilly would've been dead meat without him. No offense." Ollie added the last part for fear that Gilly would've pummeled him. "It's fine. I honestly would've been lost had Jax not been there." She added it to the list and handed it to the rest of the crew to look at. "Ehh. I would say that is pretty good. Should we show Rose?" Jack asked but Gilly shook her head.

"Her and Remi are spending the next hour painting together. I wouldn't want to disrupt that." Gilly answered and Kayla swooned. "I love love." Ollie chuckled beside her and mumbled something about how he loves patty cakes. Kayla swatted his arm but still had a little smile on her face. "Eww get a room." Jocelyn grumbled and made a gagging noise. The crew began laughing and Ollie and Kayla turned red.

"Shut up, it's not our fault we're the only ones dating. Although we shouldn't be the only ones." Ollie said, wiggling his eyebrows at Jax and Gilly. Gilly turned pink and Jax rolled his eyes. "Let's just watch something" Jax diverted the topic and turned on a movie. Afterwards, the crew heard a knock on the living room door and then it opened. In came Rose with her usual smile. "Oh hello again! I see you're all having fun." She laughed and patted Maxine on the back. "So, is it ready?"

Gilly nodded and handed the notebook to Rose. She waited nervously as Rose sat in deep thought about Gilly's life. "These are very significant but they couldn't possibly be the catalyst. Something had to have changed it, I know it." Rose was lost in thought and put her hand on her chin. "I can't really think of anything else." "Hmm. Perhaps it's a memory pushed deep down." "How am I supposed to find it?" Gilly raised up her hands in confusion. "I know." Rose stood up and ushered to group to follow her.

They went back into the room with the pot of smoke and a mirror in the back. Rose lifted the curtain above the mirror and watched as it swirled with colors of gold, silver, red, pink, any color in the universe. It had a gold frame that was covered in ornate depictions of what looked to be fairytale or nursery rhyme stories. Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Rapunzel, Beauty and the Beast, Snow White, the Snow Queen, little Jack Horner, and many more. "This is the looking back glass."

"Wait. I thought that was just a legend." Jocelyn pointed out. "My sister always said it wasn't real." Rose shook her head and chuckled. "That was simply because she didn't believe it was. It was quite a while to find it but find it I did!" Rose went off into a laugh. "It was stowed away in Tulgey woods but I found it and took it with me here." She smiled proudly and the gang looked at each other. "So what does it do?" Ollie asked and Rose gave a look of surprise.

"You don't know? Well, it has the power to travel back in time. Perhaps we can use it to see Gillian's moment of change." "And how do we do that?" Kayla asked. "Simple. All you have to do is think of the place you wish to go and it'll take you there." "But I don't even know the date when that could've happened!" "It'll read your heart and take you. It knows what you don't. Now hurry up and step in." Jack turned to her confused. "Step. In?" "Yes, it is magic."
Gilly reached a hand in before they could ask anymore questions and her hand went right through. She yanked it out and stared at it. Little wisps of blue magic traced her fingers then faded.

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