Advisors and Adversaries

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Gilly was stunned. Alva wanted her to be her closest advisor? Gilly had to remind herself that this was both of them pretending to be someone they're not. Alva was trying to be a sweet queen who hadn't imprisoned an entire realm and Gilly was trying to be a quiet woman who hadn't just saved an entire realm.

"I understand if this is a a lot to ask but I would just teach you what you need to know."Alva gave a sweet smile that made Gilly pause again. What was she trying to do here? "I'll need a moment to think about it." "Of course, of course. But I must admit my patience is lacking." Alva chuckled with the slightest hint of poison. She was rushing Gilly and she knew it. Gilly gave the smallest smile and nodded. Alva grinned devilishly and grabbed Gilly by her hand. She ran with her down the hall and into her garden. There, the sun shined and an entire tree stood and it was blooming something Gilly couldn't quite make out.

"They're baby dragons," Alva explained as she reached her hand up and cupped one. It was gold and had its eyes closed. In fact, all of them looked the same. "I didn't know they grew on trees." "No one does. It only happens here but only with the right magic." Gilly had her right where she wanted. Anybody who knew the Queen knew one thing. "I thought you don't possess any magical abilities."

Alva's facade faded but she put back on her same teeth bearing smile. "If you are going to be my advisor, I must ask something major of you." Gilly gestured for her to go on. "I can't say but you have to promise me you'll tell nobody. Your life will depend on it." Gilly nodded. She knew in her gut that Alva's last sentence wasn't good but Gilly let her intrusive thoughts get the better of her. What was it Chess said? Curiosity killed the Cat?

"I promise you."

"I knew you'd be perfect." "I am not really the Queen but I just had to save this world from her insufferable ruling.""What happened to the real Queen?" "That is a mystery to me. When I arrived, she was no where to be found and I knew I had to help govern this world." Gilly immediately knew she was giving her another lie. "How unfortunate that must have been for you. I can't imagine the stress." Alva sighed. "Yes it was. But, now that you know," Her smile turned devilish, "Will you be my advisor? I'll give you all the power and wealth you could ever possibly want."

Gilly knew that this was wrong. She was always doing something wrong. Her parents would be mad. Jax would be mad. Rose would be mad. Her friends would be mad. All of Enchantasia would be mad. But then again...

Gilly was never known for making the right decision anyways.


Alva cheered and grabbed Gilly by her arm. "Perfect! I'll take you to your room! It's in the same part of the castle as mine." "I thought ours were in the north wing?" Alva shook her head. "Those are where your friends are staying. But you're more useful than your friends so you get the grand treatment!" She opened the doors and walked up the steps to a smaller, secluded part of the castle. Most of the castle was gold but this part had more red and black in it. "This room is mine." Alva gestured to two giant doors. Obviously she chose the better room for herself.

Then she walked Gilly to the end of the corridor. At the end, there were only two touches on either side of a small stain glass door. It was decorated with Golden dragons and blue flowers. "I assume you like blue." Gilly nodded and Alva smiled curtly. "Not my most favorite but for you I will make an exception."

She unlocked the door and handed the key to Gilly. "It's yours now." She turned and walked back down the hall. "Feel free to look around it and get settled in. I'll be back to take you to dinner." Alva was out of sight and Gilly knew she should have gone to find the others but she couldn't miss the chance to see a room in a Wonderland palace. Gilly opened the door and the inside was beautiful. It was circular and when Gilly looked out the balcony, she realized she was in a tower.

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