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Depression motives.

Things that cause depression levels to worsen.

For me, depression is part of my personality.

I make self-deprecating jokes, I drink alcohol, and my friends call me a pessimist.

The only one who doesn't is Harute, but he calls me a 'half-empty glass of water'.

How rude.

Anyway, today I encounter a depression motive.

Akito Rokachi.

But how is he a depression motive?

Because he's on my feed, posting pics of his new stupid girlfriend.

I'm not jealous, oh no. I just think that they aren't even a good couple.

Amy's after his money, he's after her body.

"What you thinking about?"

Harute's voice jolts me out of my thoughts.

"Mr Pond and his new commoner girl."

"Oh yeah, everyone's placing bets on how long it'll take for them to break up."


"Anyway, how's your hangover?"

"Ass. Thanks for the water."

"I'm surprised you even came in."

"Oh well, I can't miss a bunch of people betting their life savings on a bound-to-break relationship."

We turn to the lunch room, and there really is a bunch of people betting their life savings on a bound-to-break relationship.

"Wanna join?" Harute asks, turning to me.

His hair looks a little different, it's usually light blondish brown, but now it has a slight pink tint on the tips.

"Eh, not really. Did you dye your hair?"

"Kinda. I woke up at 5am for some reason, so I dyed it with Kool-Aid."

"It looks shit." 

Yep, that's my way of saying 'it's lovely'.

"Thanks." He rolls his eyes and enters the room.

I watch from behind the door.

Harute enters the group of people crowded around a table, and places his bet on his pile.

One for 'will break up in this month', on for 'will never break up', and one for 'will break up in this year'.

He places it in the first pile, which seemed to be the most popular.

"I bet that they'll break up in this month, they're clearly not a good duo." He states, and the others nod and say words of agreement.

"Yeah, he doesn't even put his hands on her waist."

"I bet the 4 month thing was a lie."

"Bet on it then!"

"I meant it as a saying, you fucking idiot."

...Maybe don't say 'I bet' during actual bets.

Suddenly, Haruki struts in.


"Everyone, leave the lunch room immediately! This is not acceptable behaviour, I expect more from you! You are all adults! Leave at this instant, and clear all the money, now!"


Everyone scrambles and rushes around while the dude running the whole thing collects the money and hides them in separate plastic bags.

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