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I can't handle this.

I can't.

It's too stressful.

"Her heart rate has spiked dramatically twice!"


"Blood loss is critically high, we need to get to the hospital, NOW!"

I knew I shouldn't have gone karaoke with Harute.

Even if I wanted to, I could have taken the bus.

Or a taxi.

I'm going to die by my own hands aren't I?

Oh god, I'm so scared.


I don't want to go like this.

I can't.

I already saw someone else die.

I know I crashed into something.

Maybe they crashed into me? 

Her snapped.

Blonde hair flew around.

I tried to stop it.

I tried to jump out of that.

Her body flew through my window, a loud crash echoing through the silent night.

My face was penetrated with glass shards.

My stomach had almost ripped apart.

Left on an icy floor to bleed out...

To watch her bleed out...

"Her consciousness is fading, we need to..."

"...Now!'s urgent..."

"She could die..."

I can't hear anything.

I'm too scared.

Her bloodied body infiltrates my mind.

I'm a murderer.

What have I done?

Was it even my fault??

I mean, I was driving safely.

And then a silver car flew at me.

And her head it just-

More blood pools out of me.

I can't...I can't stay alive for longer.

I think...

I think I'm gonna die.


"You're overdramatic."

"Piss off Harute. I want a sandwich."

Miraculous, eh? I didn't really expect to survive after that.

Yes, I'm still in a fancy hospital bed surrounded by doctors and machines, and my clothes have been changed into a blue and white gown.

Which is stained with blood.


"You keep bleeding. How do you even have so much blood? Isn't it meant to like, run out?"

"sigh It does you idiot, they just stitched me up and bandaged me so it'll slow down. And I have a pumping heart so it'll keep going."

"Oh..." He thinks for a while, before tapping on the side of my bed. "I didn't bring you a sandwich, but I got you a Kitkat."

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