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"Well Blondie's gone." Komi shrugs, biting into an apple.

Yeah...we had to sacrifice Blondie. Why? So we can get my victim into a nice vulnerable state.

Thank you Alexis Lebedev.

"Зачем тебе пришлось убить мою подругу Блонди... она не сделала ничего плохого..." (Why did you have to kill Blondie...she did nothing wrong...)

"Calm down Regina George, you'll get through this. I think I heard Blondie in there?"

"My name is not Regina George nor Reggie, I am Lena." She says in her thick accent.

It's so damn hot.

"Reggie, we killed your stupid friend because she's an object for us and we needed her as a distraction so we can get our victim in a lovely position so we can shit on her future and ruin her best friend's life too. If she has one."

"The Sasaki lady?" She sniffles.

"Yeah, Miss Sasaki. Ginger cunt. Like you, but less red."

"My natural hair is also blonde, the Russians made me dye it to make it look hotter."

Well it's definitely working. Mental boner, go!

Kristian walks in the room while carrying his M249 like it's a damn child he just gave birth to.

"Hiya Kristy, gave birth to your baby?"

Oh yeah, I forgot they were roleplaying.

"Fabian, leave your boyfriend alone."

Komi rolls her eyes. "I'm literally dating Kristian, does that mean me and Fabian are connected?"

"Eh? How'd that work?" Fabian looks at her with confusion.

"I screw him. If you made him give birth to a gun, you've been inside him. So the same bit you touched I've touched too."

"Okay, okay, enough word-fucking guys, we're trying to mourn over Blondie."

"You killed my best friend!" Reggie cries, leaning into Komi's free hand.

"Girl, I just got my nails done, get your head off me."


Anyway, we don't have all day, time to plan the attack.

"We already have Sasaki under control at the White Cross Hospital, so when she comes out and has to go to court, we'll get Adrian Cheng to-"

"Who's that? Is he hot?" Komi butts in.

"...He's the fake lawyer we bribed."


"Yeah. He'll bribe the judge to support him over Sasaki's failure of a lawyer, and hopefully give her the shittiest sentence ever. Fabian?"

He perks his head up. "Yeah?"

"You get the team to create false evidence. Gather her house address, car number, all CCTV evidence from nearby, and ruin it as well as you can. She murdered Blondie."

"Yes sir."

"Kristian and Komi, you two are gonna seduce her friend...uh...he's a man."

"You don't remember his name?" He asks, his gun baby dangling off his finger.

"I don't know, we're gonna use last names for respect. Hama...ham...hama..."

"Hamanaka?" Komi asks, her eyes focused on her nail polish. "Would make for a nice fashion brand name."

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