Once Apart, Forever be Together

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     A bright sun rises for a new day. James was woken up by his alarm clock, he gets up in frustration, mostly because he had work that day. James then went to the kitchen to cook breakfast, a classic two sunny-side up eggs with four strips of beacon and a hot cup of joe helps him gain enough energy for his morning. After eating, taking a bath, and dressing up for work, he re-enters his room to greet his wife of ten years a good morning. He then leaves the house leaving his wife alone to do anything she wants.

    While on his way to work he stumbles upon his colleague running his way to work, with his clothes still wrinkled and unironed, and an egg sandwich in his mouth. James waves over to his colleague, wishing to greet him, his colleague then notices James so he went over and spoke to James;

Eric: Oh thank goodness I stumbled upon you James, thought I'd get lost again like I usually do. Fine Morning we having today ey?

James: Yes Eric, it's a fine morning indeed. You really need to get familiarized with the layout of the town, last I recall, you've been here for about three years now.

Eric: Hehe- well it's practically the same old me, forgetful as always. Oh shoot! We should get going or else we'll be late!

James: Calm down Eric, come with me, my usual route is always thirty minutes earlier so we don't need to panic.

    Eric agrees to follow James to his route. While they both walk to work, Eric was taking notes on the route to use instead of his long route to make sure he does not get late for work. As the clock hits nine am, they both make it to work with only exactly fifteen minutes to spare, Eric thanks James for his help and rushed into work while James slowly walked in and started his day of labor.

     Hours go by, the time in front of his monitor working away, speaking with colleagues, finishing requirements, and submitting them to his boss. Then it finally came time to clock out, James finished his work earlier than usual so he pondered if he would either go straight home or have a drink. However his pondering didn't last long as Eric called out to James to wait up;


James: Oh! Eric, I didn't realize that you clock out at this hour. How's your work today?

Eric: Yeesh James, we've been neighbors and colleagues for three years now and you still don't know? Well, today's work was stressful, but I conquered it like a champ. What about you? I don't normally see you clock out this early.

James: Oh, well I finished my work earlier so I have some spare time on my hands.

Eric: Oh really? That's amazing! Hey you wanna come with me to the local bar to grab a couple cold ones? Tell you what, I'll even pay for your first three bottles.

James: That's a really kind gesture Eric, but I'll have to respectfully decline. I planned on going somewhere a bit...well...personal to me. Do you understand? Maybe next time I'll come.

Eric: Oh, sure I understand, you stay safe now.

James: Thanks, you too, and don't get lost while going home alright? Worst case scenario I see you drunk and passed out on the park bench again.

Eric: Hehe- alright alright, welp see ya tomorrow then.

    They both parted ways, Eric going to a local bar to drink his stress away, while James went to visit someone who he loved the most. After walking for a few minutes, he arrived at his respective destination, he then bought a bouquet of lilies at a nearby flower store;

James: It's been awhile hasn't it? Oh how I missed you so, if only you were here right now to hold you in my arms again. It's been years and yet my grief never left as if it happened yesterday. I bought you some of your favorite flowers. I wish I could turn back time to see you again.

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