The Trio

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The next time y/n packed a lunchbox, to bring to the police station, there was a lot of turbulence in the building. With big eyes she watched the special investigation unit that was formed to determined about the murders.

„I'm sorry y/n, maybe another day." So Nan-gam sent her away again. But y/n was fine with that. She had just found out what she wanted to find out. This special investigation unit had absolutely no evidence that would incriminate Tang. With knowing that she went home relieved, just to find a confused looking surprise named Tang Lee, in the middle of Bins living room.

„Oh Hello Tang", y/n said when she saw the guest who now just looked more confused. Of course, y/n already knew Tang because she always had followed him, but Tang had never seen y/n before.

„I finally found him in the subway", Bin explained the situation to y/n. Then he turned to Tang and pointed at y/n. „You remember the Holmes and Watson thing I just explained? Well you can call y/n here our Irene Adler."

„Irene Adler? But I'm on your team", y/n didn't agree with that comparison. Bin smiled. „I know, I know. It doesn't matches perfectly. Y/ns main job over the last days was to follow you Tang, she's like a shadow. A very useful one that makes every evidence disappear, if any's left. But still y/n, I like the Adler comparison. You are close with our opponent Nan-gam and I suspect that our new Sherlock could really be your t..."

„Yes what ever", y/n interrupted him before he finished that nonsense sentence. Tang didn't say anything. He also stayed silent when Bin brought them dinner, when Bin went to bed and when y/n said he could use the bathroom first.

While y/n waited, until she could use the shower, her thoughts just flew around. And suddenly she landed at a memory that she wanted to forget so bad. She had experienced all that before. Bin had found a superhero before. And she still felt like this Tang guy wasn't really as great as Bin tought. But he gave a different vibe than his predecessor. He didn't fit into the picture. Something about Tang was just wrong...

„What?", suddenly she heard a strange voice through all those thoughts. When she came back to the present moment, she saw Tang standing in the entrance to the bathroom. His dark hair was still wet. Somehow that looked a little cute.

„I'm done, bathroom's all yours." Till now she never had heard his voice. Sounded very normal, if she considered that he was a murderer on his best way to become a serial killer.

„Oh yea right, thanks", she stuttered a little lost in her own thoughts. But Tang had no interest in listening to her or making conversation anyways. So she just went into the bathroom.

"You know, normally I get the sofa", y/n said while she adjusted her bed on the living room floor. Tang didn't answer, he didn't even look at her. She rolled her eyes grinning. "I forgot... you're silent ninety percent of the time."

But Tang surprised her. "And you're annoyingly talkative."

Y/n rolled her eyes again. "Whatever. What I actually wanted to say was: feel honored I'm taking the floor, only because you're the new superhero Bin dragged home."

"I'm not a hero", Tang contradicted and y/n nodded. "Sure. I know that. Bin doesn't. But don't worry, he'll realize it too. Until then you can have the couch."

And with that said she turned of the light and laid down on the mattress Bin prepared for her on the floor. However she wasn't able to fall asleep. She tossed and turned, but only when she looked at him, she realized where this uneased feeling was coming from.

"Fuck!", startled she sat up. "Are you crazy? Why are your eyes not closed? What's wrong with you?"

Tang didn't respond. He just stayed in the same position, laying on his side, the emotionless eyes further opened. "Hey? Tang? You okay?"

"You ever felt like a monster?" Y/n chuckled. If Tang would have known about her past, he surely wouldn't have asked that question. But she wasn't planning to enlighten him about that so she got around answering it. "Well I already met some. And by that I don't mean you. Someone who feels regte like you do, is not a monster. There is evil in this world, bad people. And eliminating this evil is not what a monster would do."

Tang looked at her for a while. It seemed like he had to think about her words. Finally he didn't look convinced. "You're crazy."

Y/n just shrugged her shoulders and gave him a tired smile. "I may am. But I can't tell you anything else. And now just go to sleep, stop staring around in the dark like a creep."

The next morning all three left Bin's apartment. But while y/n went to university, Bin dragged Tang to grab some food. Y/n knew what was in store for the newcomer today. Everyone Bin hired got this conversation from him. Although it was more of a monologue. A monologue about why it was important to fight for justice, why vigilantism was a way.

"Did you have a nice day outside?" Y/n asked Tang as if she were talking to a small child, when they were all gathered back in the apartment in the evening. Of course she didn't get an answer from him.

But she didn't mind, grabbed something to eat and sat down in front of Bin's computer. While the two young men were talking about equipment and new missions, she was watching a TV series online. She already knew all of Bin's stuff, so she didn't have to listen anymore.

Later, Bin had already gone to bed, but she became aware when she heard something rumbling in the next room. So she got up and went over to Bin's room. But there was no one there. She considered... Then she opened the slightly hidden door that was on the left wall. They kept everything behind it. Files with information about targets and comrades, weapons and other useful toys. And here he was, Tang. Looked like he had stocked up on everything possible. He even put on the jacket with Bin's made-up logo.

"What's up with the jacket?", y/n didn't miss the opportunity to tug on his sleeve.

„Just go to sleep, I'll see you tomorrow", Tang didn't even think about explaining himself. She didn't let him get away with that. „What about I am your shadow didn't you understand?"

Tang's expression twitched. But then he just turned to the door and indicated her to follow him. „Okay than... Let's go."

So off they went. Tang walked ahead, y/n always stayed a few meters behind him. It didn't take long to find someone. A man in a expensive looking suit.

"He just called someone on the phone, he needs a driver," Tang reported as she approached him. So she nodded. "Then be a driver. I'll call Bin."

When Bin and y/n joined Tang again, he had already fixated the selected man. They were on the banks of a small river, outside the city. Y/n looked over Bin's shoulder as he tampered with their victim's cell phone. In fact, they found what they were looking for. Bin had the phone connected to his computer, so they could see the content on the big screen. What they found was disgusting. Videos of women being abused. Seeing that made y/n feel so sick, she had to turn away from the screen.

After Tang took a look at the evidence, everything happened very quickly. He went towards the tied-up man and killed him.

They stayed with the dead body, till the sun rose. Everything about it was weird, still y/n felt something peaceful. Like that satisfaction after cleaning up.

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