Our old Enemies

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The next morning she woke up first. She thought about waking Tang up too, but he looked so peaceful. When he was awake he always looked a little stressed, exhausted and tired. So she just let him sleep. As quiet as possible she climbed out of the bed. Somehow she felt weird. She wasn't sure what the exact situation here was. Where they a thing now? Or was it just a thing that had happened? She decided for herself the second one was the way to go. So she left Tangs apartment.

I went back to my mom. Need to spend a little more time with her before going back to Seoul. But we can meet up later if you want to. Although she didn't wake him up she still texted him.

But when she arrived back at her mother's apartment, a surprise was waiting for her, and it wasn't a good one. "Nan-gam?"

She only saw his car driving away. As fast as she could she ran to her mother. "What was he doing here?"

"Who? Nan-gam? Did you meet him outside? He wanted to say Hello?", her mom explained much slower than y/n would have wanted her to. "Did he say anything else."

"Y/n! Calm down! What's the problem? He just wanted to be friendly since he's in the city. He actually asked about you too. But I told him you were visiting that friend that works in that supermarket.", her mom said and y/n instantly felt sick. "Fuck! Mom!"

But it wasn't her mom's fault y/n knew that. It wasn't important anyways. The only thing that was important was protecting Tang now. Nan-gam was a pretty smart guy. Y/n could just feel that knew. So she had to get back to the supermarket before Nan-gam could get to Tang.

„Y/n! Language!", her mother said in a strict voice. But y/n had no time to apologize.

With a short goodbye to her mother y/n ran outside. She jumped into the next bus that came by, but when she arrived at the store Nan-gam was already there. Without doubt she identified his car in front of the entrance. What should she do now? She clearly couldn't just walk in. Half running half walking she hurried around the building and found an entrance on the backside.

She crept up on her tiptoes, although it was already very loud around here. People were putting away arriving goods. The sound of truck engines filled the air.

The entrance y/n spotted was more of a big garage, maybe a storage hall. When she walked in she immediately stopped. It was easy to find Tang. She saw him promptly. But he wasn't alone.

Tang had fallen to the floor. If y/n saw it right someone had mad him fall. Someone that wasn't a stranger to y/n. She recognized his voice within seconds, when he told Tang how slovenly he was working. Chon Song. Basically Tangs predecessor. Bin once had thought that Chon Song was a superhero too. But Bin had been wrong. Chon Song was no hero, he was a villain, a crazy psychopath.

Y/n needed to get Tang out of here. This man was dangerous. Her chance came when there was another noice. It sounded like an opening door and following footsteps.

Chon Song, who hadn't seen y/n yet, got distracted. As fast as she could y/n ran to Tang, helped him to get up and together they ran out of the storage hall.

"Fuck! Who was that?", Tang shouted at her while searching for some kind of vehicle to get away with. Y/n gave him no answer. On the one hand because she was still in shock about seeing Chon Song again. But also because she wasn't sure if Bin would like it, if she told Tang about his predecessor.

"Y/n? Did you hear me?", Tang seemed furious. But maybe he was just scared and stressed about the situation. To calm him down she nodded. "I did, but now is not the time to talk. We need to get away from here!"

And so they did. A few seconds later they found a transporter in which the driver had left his keys. Quickly they got in and Tang started the engine.

They drove in silence for a while, then Tang pulled out his phone and gave it to y/n. "Call Roh Bin."

"You know I have a phone too", she reminded him. "Whatever. I don't care which one you use. Just fucking call him! Now!"

"Okay, okay. Chill", y/n said soothingly. "I'll call him. Just concentrate on driving and stop screaming."

Bin seemed not surprised when he heard what had happened to Tang. Sure he was startled but not surprised. Probably he had already thought about the possibility of Tang and Chon Song meeting at some point. Somehow that calmed y/n down. But what Bin said next wasn't to her liking at all. "Don't call me or anyone else. You two need to disappear for a while. Turn off your phones. You can't be found."

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