Percy and the Bandstand

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The Fat Controller came to see Percy early in the morning.

"Well, Percy," he said, "I didn't expect to be here this early but there's an emergency. Nelson has broken down on route to Great Waterton."

"Nelson?" Percy puffed, "The Pack are building something?"

"A new bandstand," replied The Fat Controller, "I'm hoping to have it ready in time for Lady Hatt's birthday. I want you to help with the construction once you've taken Jack and Alfie to the site and Nelson to the repair yard."

"But Sir, what abou_"

"Your other jobs have been given to other engines for now."

The Fat Controller smiled as he turned to get back in his car.


Percy chuffed along, trying to make good time.

As he went round the next bend, he saw Nelson, Jack, Alfie, Edward and the breakdown train. Nelson had gotten his front end stuck in a ditch. His paintwork was scratched and he even had a flat tyre.

"Hello Percy," called Jack from Nelson's flatbed, "Nelson went round this slippery bend too fast."

"The crash was really quite something!" added Alfie.

"That's it, blame me, why don't you?" groaned Nelson, "You youngsters just perch on my flatbed and feel oh so high and mighty! You'll never_"

"Nelson," interjected Edward, "the youngsters were only looking out for you. Try to stay calm. We'll soon have you fixed."

The cranes struggled as they lifted the heavy vehicles and moved them into place. It was a long and difficult task but after a while, Nelson, Jack and Alfie were all on Percy's flatbeds.

In no time at all, Percy had dropped off Jack and Alfie at the building site.

Nelson grumbled as Percy hauled him to the repair yard.

"Accidents happen," said Percy reassuringly.

"Yes, they do," replied Nelson, "to everyone, and yet everyone always seems to think it's just me who does things wrong!"

Later, at the building site, Percy was frantic. A run-down old building had to be demolished to make room for the bandstand. He was shunting trucks of debris this way and that without stopping.

"Slow down, small fry!" called Max.

"You'll end up in a ditch like Nelson," snickered Monty.

"Oh, like you two did trying to beat a steamroller in a race?" retorted Percy.

"Don't let them get to you, Percy," said Jack, before he turned to Max and Monty and called out "fill those trucks a little more!"

Percy wished Jack hadn't said that. He didn't want to shunt even more trucks.

However, as The Pack kept working, Percy saw that the trucks were being filled a little higher than before.

"If we fill the trucks higher," explained Jack, "we can fit all the debris into fewer trucks, so you won't have to shunt so many of them."

"As long as it's safe," said Percy.

"Oh, don't worry, Percy," said Miss Jenny, who had been listening in, "we always put safety first. I'll always make sure what my team is doing is safe!"

"Thank you!" puffed Percy. He really wanted to return the favour somehow.

When the day was over, Percy decided to visit Nelson at the repair yard. He told him all about his day helping The Pack to build the new bandstand. Once Nelson had heard about Jack making sure Percy didn't have to shunt too many trucks of debris, he looked deep in thought.

"That was nice of them," he said quietly.


One morning, when the bandstand was nearly ready, The Fat Controller came to Tidmouth Sheds.

"Tomorrow is Lady Hatt's birthday," he boomed, "I need one of you to take her to Great Waterton today. She will be staying at the inn there overnight so that she'll be on time to her birthday treat."

Percy grew very worried. Would Lady Hatt see the unfinished bandstand and ruin her own surprise by accident?

Once he was back at Great Waterton, he told The Pack what The Fat Controller had said. They all agreed to be extra careful not to spoil the surprise.

They didn't have to wait long to start being careful. A mere hour later, Toby was approaching Great Waterton with Lady Hatt on board Henrietta.

Percy hurried over to Toby and told him that he didn't want Lady Hatt's surprise ruined.

"I'll take a different route into the town," puffed Toby with a kind smile.

"Toby," Lady Hatt suddenly called, "would Miss Jenny allow me to pay this building site a visit? I do love seeing the restorations being done in this beautiful town."

"Oh bother," huffed Percy.

Lady Hatt got out of Henrietta and went to speak to Miss Jenny.

'Think, Percy, think,' thought Percy.

"Hello Lady Hatt," called Alfie as he approached, "Would you like to see our shed first? The foreman has some blueprints for a new museum inside!"

"Oh, that would be very interesting! I would love to!" said Lady Hatt.

Alfie winked at Percy as he turned to lead the way to the shed.

"I hope that will give us enough time," said Miss Jenny, trying to put on a brave face.

As everyone waited, they could hear an engine revving in the distance.

As Lady Hatt was leaving the shed, Nelson entered the building site.

"Oh, hello!" said Lady Hatt when she saw him, "I was just curious as to what you were all building here so I'm being shown around the site."

Nelson looked puzzled for a second. Jack started to roll in between him and Lady Hatt.

Nelson began to ramble, "Oh, well, we're actually planning to restore an old museum in the town. It looks like you've already seen the plans. Listen, don't go anywhere without asking someone first. It's dangerous to be somewhere on the site without anyone knowing." Nelson tried not to look in the direction of the bandstand as he spoke.

After looking bemused for a few seconds, Lady Hatt simply said with a sweet smile, "Thank you for your concern."

Nelson smiled back. Then, as gently as he could, he directed Lady Hatt to where the hard hats were and told her that she needed to wear one if she wanted to look around.

Everyone else started getting involved, each vehicle eager to show Lady Hatt around a part of the site that wasn't where the bandstand was being built.


The next day, the brass band arrived in Great Waterton. They were performing at Lady Hatt's birthday party.

Everyone was having a great time. Even The Pack got to attend.

"Nelson," said Alfie, "you did a good job keeping this all a surprise!"

"Yes," said Jack, "you really helped. We all did an amazing job...together!"

Nelson was touched.

"Yes," he said, smiling at a very happy Percy, "we all did."

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