The Party Surprise

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Because of the recent storms, The Thin Controller felt that his engines could use cheering up. He was holding a special Christmas party at his house and all the narrow gauge engines were invited.

Freddie was at the wharf, collecting some decorations to take to The Thin Controller's house. Helping him was a new crane called Colin.

"What's all this, then?" asked a curious Colin.

"Christmas decorations," explained Freddie, "Mr Percival is holding a special party!"

"A party!" exclaimed Colin, "When is it happening? Where is it happening? Who's going?"

Freddie answered every question he could while waiting for his flatbeds to be loaded up. He was surprised, however, to see that Colin seemed to be getting sadder with each answer.

"What's the matter, Colin?" puffed Freddie, "You look put out."

Colin sighed, "I'd have liked to go to the party but I'm stuck here. I suppose a wharf isn't really the place for a party."

Freddie pondered. He wanted to help Colin out. Maybe the wharf could be a good place to hold the party?

"I could maybe ask Mr Percival if we could move the party to the wharf," he said at last.

"Ooh, could you?" said Colin eagerly, "That would be lovely! I wouldn't have to be alone while you're all partying!"

Freddie waited for the last of the decorations to be loaded onto his flatbeds. Once he was coupled to his train, he started to move.

"Won't you have to take those decorations all the way back here in a bit?" enquired Colin.

"We don't know if the party will be held at the wharf yet," huffed Freddie.

He steamed out of the wharf, ignoring Colin's sulking.

On his way to The Thin Controller's house, Freddie met Rusty.

"Rusty," said Freddie, "You know that new crane at the wharf, Colin? Do you think you and the other engines could keep him company today?"

"Why?" asked Rusty, puzzled.

Freddie explained the situation with Colin and the party.

"If Mr Percival says no," puffed Freddie, "at least Colin won't have to be alone all day!"

Rusty seemed unsure.

"We'll all see what we can do," said the little diesel, "but we do all have work to do and that must come first."

Freddie thanked Rusty and puffed on towards The Thin Controller's house.

When he reached the house, he told The Thin Controller everything and asked him if the party could be moved to the wharf. The Thin Controller thought for a moment.

"Well, I don't see why not," he said with a smile, "but I'll need you to help me get the message to the other engines. Some things have already been dropped off here and will need to be delivered to the wharf."

"Thank you, Sir! And I will, Sir!" peeped Freddie.

Freddie eventually trundled back into the wharf with his flatbeds of decorations. He saw Mighty Mac there, chatting with Colin. All three of them were laughing.

"The party's been moved to the wharf!" huffed Freddie.

"Oh, we know," chuffed Mighty.

"Colin's already told us," added Mac.

Freddie was cross.

"What would have happened if Mr Percival hadn't agreed to move the party to the wharf? Confusion and delay because of you, that's what!" he scolded.

Colin gave a sheepish apology. However, he quickly perked up again. Even as Freddie chuffed off to find the other engines, he could hear Colin laughing and joking with the twins once more.

Freddie found Rusty at the transfer yards. A flatbed with a Christmas tree on it was being coupled to the end of the little diesel's train.

"That train looks a little long for one engine," mused Freddie.

"It is," said Rusty, "delivering the tree was meant to be Mighty Mac's job but they haven't turned up!"

Freddie realised what had happened. He made a decision.

"It's not worth it to go back to the wharf just to tell Mighty Mac to pick up this tree. I'll help you deliver all this stuff, Rusty!"

"They're at the wharf? What are they doing there right now?" oiled Rusty.

"I'll explain on the way," replied Freddie as he made his way to the back of Rusty's train.

When the two engines made it to the wharf with their long, heavy train, Mighty Mac were still there. The twins were horrified when they saw Rusty and Freddie making their delivery for them.

"Where did all the time go?" wheeshed Mighty.

Sometime later, The Thin Controller arrived with stern words for Mighty Mac.

"I trusted you two to get that delivery done on time," boomed The Thin Controller, "I'd have understood you being delayed due to thinking the party was at my house but you didn't even pick up the tree!"

"We're sorry, Sir," huffed Mac, "we were all trying to keep Colin company. He ended up chatting to us two for so long, we were late."

The Thin Controller turned to Colin.

"Telling the other engines the party had moved when you didn't know it to be true and delaying the engines. Why, I'm not sure you deserve to be at a party at all!"

Freddie felt an uncomfortable bubbling in his boiler. He couldn't remain silent.

"In all fairness, Sir," he started. The Thin Controller turned to him expectantly and he suddenly felt a little more nervous but he pressed on. "I told the other engines to keep Colin company. I didn't want him to be lonely. I am responsible for the delays."

The Thin Controller raised an eyebrow.

Slowly, he said, "Well, it seems like we all had a part to play here...I don't enjoy giving out punishments, especially at Christmas time, and it seems like there isn't really anyone specific to blame here..."

He looked around. Freddie seemed anxious. Mighty Mac had expressions of shame on their faces. Colin looked forlorn.

"I'm going to be generous," sighed The Thin Controller, "and let you all off."

Colin was going to speak but then thought better of it.

"And Colin," said The Thin Controller, "the party is still going to be held at the wharf."

Colin was delighted!

Everyone still had a lot of work to do to get everything ready for the party. Freddie still had to tell lots of other engines about the party being moved to the wharf. To make up for not picking up the tree, Mighty Mac collected the attendees who were at The Thin Controller's house. Everyone else had to help get the decorations up.

When the party was eventually ready to begin, everyone was full of excitement and joy.

"The only thing that could make this better," whispered Colin to Freddie, "is if we could have some snow."

As if by magic, snow began to fall. The party was now a picture fit for a Christmas card!

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