On Edge

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It was a blustery autumn day on the Island of Sodor. Emily was doing the Black Loch run but today wasn't a typical day. Fewer holidaymakers were out and about because of the weather but Emily's coaches were still full thanks to some meteorologists who were conducting some studies in the area she was set to travel through.

"No sign of the seals today," said Emily as she puffed along.

"I don't think they'll be around at this time of the year to be honest," said her driver.

Emily came to a stop. The wind was picking up as her passengers started to leave her coaches.

"This should be an interesting day!" exclaimed one of the meteorologists.

"Hmm," agreed an uncertain Emily.

As she waited, Emily noticed that the wind was only getting fiercer. The loch was alive, its surface a racing heartbeat. Stones were starting to fall from the tops of the cliffs.

"We need to leave now!" cried Emily.

"Don't be silly, Emily," said her fireman, "we have to stop for the right amount of time. Otherwise, the passengers will complain."

The wind was beginning to whoosh and wail. More and more stones were falling onto the track ahead.

"We might have to leave soon," admitted Emily's driver, "we can't risk putting the passengers in danger."

"We are putting the passengers in danger!" huffed Emily.

Emily whistled for everyone to get back in her coaches. Her driver and fireman didn't seem sure but the weather was getting worse. Rain was beginning to fall.

Everyone hurried into the coaches and Emily lurched off towards the next station.

As she travelled along, Emily felt rocks bouncing off of her boiler. The wind and rain were pushing against her, holding her back like troublesome trucks. She puffed harder than ever.

"You might have to slow down!" called out her driver.

"No chance!" shouted Emily.

The edge of the lake was rising and lapping against the ground beneath the tracks. The rocks that were falling were getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, a huge boulder rolled down the cliff and smashed into the track ahead of Emily. The track snapped under its colossal weight and Emily was splashed with water from the lake as the boulder and some of the ground fell into it.

"I can't give up now; it's too dangerous," Emily panted.

She hurried over the flimsy section of track. The track gave way, leaving a massive dip. Emily's tender and cab were both leaning down into the dip but Emily was willing to fight on.

"You silly engine," her fireman cried, "now we're stuck!"

"Are you going to help me get these passengers home or not?" snapped Emily. She got no answer.

Emily looked to her side. The ever rising lake was level with the bottoms of her wheels now. There wasn't much ground left for the track to lay on. She was liable to topple over the edge of this narrow cliff and into the depths below at any moment.

Emily knew this was a battle she couldn't afford to lose.

She said to her driver and fireman, her voice a little shaky, "Listen. I think I can still roll backwards a little. What we need to do is take a run-up and go as fast as we can to get me outta this dip!"

Emily's driver wasn't completely convinced but he was willing to try just about anything.

Emily rolled back as much as she could and then launched herself forwards. Her wheels slipped on the track. She puffed harder. After a little bit of struggle, she made it out of the dip and started to move forwards at a decent speed.

However, the momentum didn't last long. After a couple more bumps along the track, Emily's two coaches were now teetering in the dip and Emily couldn't puff on.

"What now?" whispered Emily to herself.


As the day drew on, the other engines started to worry. Emily was late returning from Black Loch.

Oliver and Toad happened to be working not too far from there. Oliver was clearly worried sick.

"Mister Oliver," said Toad, "if I may be so bold, it isn't productive to concern yerself with things beyond yer control. While yer keeping yerself busy, yer not helping to keep another engine safe now, are you?"

Oliver thought about this for a bit before saying, "I'd like to take some control over this, Toad. Emily probably needs help. I've heard the stories about bashed buffers and monsters at Black Loch!"

Just then, Oliver realised what he needed to do.

"The rest of my work can wait, Toad," he huffed, "I have to go and help Emily!"

"Right you are, Mister Oliver," replied Toad with a smile, "I'll see to it that things stay in order here until yer return!"


Emily was in despair.

The wind howled yet the silence was deafening.

Emily couldn't see or hear any signs of help on the way.

Suddenly, the sign came. The sound of a steam engine could be heard just around the bend.

When Oliver emerged, Emily was relieved!

"I thought you might be in trouble!" puffed Oliver.

"I am," wheeshed Emily, "now listen up! I need some extra puff to pull my coaches out of a dip in the track. Buffer up!"

And so, Oliver did just that. Once he and Emily were coupled up, they both heaved and hauled. The coaches came away from the dip far easier with two engines' hard work!

The engines set off. The faint sound of cheering could be heard from inside the coaches.

The ground was uneven and rocks were all over the place. Oliver was a little scared to be travelling backwards along such tracks.

"I suppose it's like an adventure! A daring escape!" he said, putting on a brave face.

"The journey isn't done yet," said Emily, trying to stay a little bit serious, "we have to keep the passengers safe."

Wheel turn by wheel turn, the two engines made their way away from Black Loch.

When they eventually got to Emily's final stop, people and engines were celebrating. Toad was happy to see Oliver again.

"You're a hero, Mister Oliver!" he exclaimed.

Emily smiled and puffed, "I have to agree."

"I'll tell you what, though," said Emily's fireman, addressing the group, "he isn't the only one. You might not get it right all the time Emily but you make us all very proud."

Everyone else agreed.

Emily just beamed with pride.

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