Diesel Friend

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One warm summer evening, Neville was heading to Knapford Sheds after a long day pulling goods trains. He had enjoyed his work but he was looking forward to a nice, long rest.

As he rounded the next bend, he got a nasty surprise: a pair of metal jaws!

Neville slowed to a stop and looked around. The jaws were attached to a long metal arm, which in turn was attached to an engine.

He moved forwards. He had heard stories about such an engine but he couldn't believe that he had actually encountered him. He had to believe it when he saw it, though. There, on the track to his left, was Diesel 10.

"Out of my way, steamie!" snapped Diesel 10.

Neville was nervous. He just wanted to go past so that he could get back to his shed as soon as possible. Diesel 10 didn't seem easy to convince to do anything, though.

"Um...actually, I am not a steamie," Neville found himself saying. He chuffed forwards just a little so that Diesel 10 could get a good look at him.

Diesel 10 surveyed him suspiciously. His gaze was like a sun hot enough to melt tracks. Neville was petrified.

"A likely story," Diesel 10 growled.

"I'm an experimental model," Neville yammered, "not at all the type you could understand...the workings of with just a quick look. Now, why don't you let me help you with...whatever it is you're doing..."

"I'm clearing fallen tree branches," Diesel 10 growled, "they need to go to the sawmill."

"Yes yes, well, you seem nearly done," stuttered Neville, "how about I take to the...take them to the sawmill?"

Diesel 10 didn't give an answer and Neville wasn't waiting for one. He quickly reversed back up the track, away from Diesel 10's claw and towards some points. As soon as he had switched onto the same track as the trucks, Diesel 10 had finished loading them up.

Diesel 10 stared menacingly at Neville, almost as if he were warning him not to expect any thanks.

Neville hurried away.

By the time he had dropped off the tree branches, he felt exhausted. He could only manage to go slowly for the rest of the journey to Knapford Sheds. The whole time, he thought about the infamous diesel. How dangerous could he be? Was it all an act or was there really a more sinister side to him than anyone really knew?

The next morning, Neville had to go to Knapford Station to pull a passenger train. When he got there, the other engines all seemed to be chatting about something.

"Morning all," chuffed Neville, "What are we all talking about?"

The other engines gave him a funny look. Gordon was the first to speak.

"We are talking about you, Neville," he said, "and your claim that you aren't a steam engine."

Neville was a little puzzled. Diesel 10 didn't seem like the type to talk to anyone, let alone spread rumours.

"You apparently told Diesel 10 that you weren't a steamie," Henry huffed, "and then took his trucks for him. Why do that?"

"I just wanted to get past him," Neville explained, "I was scared."

"What's scary about Diesel 10?" asked Rosie, "He's just an engine, right?"

Some of the other engines murmured amongst themselves.

Neville didn't see any point in talking about this any further. He simply remained silent and waited until it was time to leave.

He was worried for his whole journey. One simple lie had made everyone look at him differently. What was he supposed to do to put everything right?

Neville's journey finished at Ffarquhar Station. When he arrived there, he was surprised to see Thomas with Annie and Clarabel at the platform he was supposed to stop at.

"Hello, Thomas," Neville called.

"Oh, hello, Neville," Thomas called back, "sorry if I'm in your way. I'm having some kind of trouble." He told Neville that he had only just arrived at the station and that the last stretch of the way here had been very difficult.

Neville felt sorry for his friend.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" he asked.

"The station master is sending for help now," said Thomas. He seemed like he was going to refuse any help but then, he thought better of it. "I can wait to be taken to the repair yard but I was supposed to take passengers from here back to Knapford. My passengers can't wait!"

"Leave it to me," said Neville with a smile, "I've got coaches and I was only going to head back there anyway."

After some effort from both engines, Thomas managed to find a siding to slip onto and Neville managed to make his way around to the other side of the station to pick up Thomas' passengers. Neville was raring to go. He left the second the guard blew his whistle.

The journey was wonderful. At every station, passengers cheered and clapped for the heroic engine who had saved them from being late. The passenger Neville found the most interesting was a young boy who got off at his final stop of Knapford Station. The boy proclaimed that a funny looking diesel had saved Thomas' passengers.

"Oh, actually," Neville called out to the crowd, conscious of gaining a reputation, "I am a steamie!"

The crowd was no less happy. They cheered as loudly as they ever had for Neville. Some tourists even said that they wanted pictures with the most unusual steam engine they had ever met!

Diesel was at the station too. He was very bemused seeing all the goings on from the moment Neville had stopped.

"What happened to 'I'm not a steamie'?" he oiled.

"Does every engine on the island know about that?" Neville asked, sounding a little more offended than he intended to.

"I know because Diesel 10 himself told me!" said Diesel.

It made sense.

Neville thought about how he was going to respond to this. There didn't seem to be a correct way out. So, he just told Diesel the truth: that he had made a mistake because he was too scared of another engine.

Diesel found this very funny.

"Did you think Diesel 10 would mistake you for scrap iron to be cleared from the track?"

"I didn't know what he would do. It could have been anything if I didn't get on his good side."

Diesel raised an eyebrow. He stared hard at Neville.

Ominously, he said, "You aren't on his good side. Diesel 10 doesn't like engines who lie. He doesn't want to see you again."

Neville wanted to retort but Diesel rolled away before he had the chance.

Neville just thought. The more he thought about it all, the more he realised that he didn't really need to be on Diesel 10's good side after all. As a matter of fact, he didn't need to see him again.

"That," Neville wheeshed quietly, "was a very strange engine."

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