Thomas and the Billboard

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The engines at Tidmouth Sheds were woken up early in the morning by the sound of Toby's bell; he had brought The Fat Controller.

"Morning everyone," puffed Toby, "Sir says he has an important message for us all!"

"Quite right, Toby," said The Fat Controller, clearing his throat. He got out of Toby's cab and stood where all the engines could see and hear him. "The eight of you," he boomed, pointing to Toby and then to all the engines in the shed, "have all worked incredibly hard to make this railway the success that it's been. Now, I want to officially recognise all of that hard work."

The engines were excited.

"A famous photographer is arriving on Sodor today," The Fat Controller continued, "and he is to photograph you all for a billboard that will be put up at Knapford Station!"

The engines all whistled with joy. Today, they all wanted to work harder than they had ever worked before to deserve such a reward.

Thomas was going to be working hard on The Little Western today. There were a lot more people than usual visiting this part of the island and Duck, Oliver, Donald and Douglas were struggling to keep up with the new, larger workload.

From the moment Thomas arrived, it was clear to the other engines that he was excited about something. Thomas wanted to share the news with them. However, he decided not to bother them by talking about himself. That was, until Oliver asked him what was going on.

"I, Toby and all the engines at Tidmouth Sheds are getting our photograph taken for a billboard," he said, as calmly and matter-of-factly as he could.

Thomas couldn't really tell but he thought Oliver might be a bit put out. Just as he was thinking of asking, though, Oliver spoke up.

"I'd love to be on a billboard," he puffed, "I hope I have the honour one day."

It was time for Oliver to leave. As Thomas watched him go, he pondered. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to have Oliver on a billboard?

When Thomas reached the end of his next journey, he realised just how quickly word had spread about the billboard. Passengers were buzzing about it and Donald, who was waiting next to him, was well aware too.

"Well, I was thinking," Thomas mused, "maybe I could ask Sir Topham Hatt if you could all be on the billboard too."

"It'd be a wonderful thing," chuffed Donald, "but could it really happen?"

"We already have a statue at Abbey," huffed Thomas, "there's no reason why we have to have this billboard to ourselves too."

However, as he was convincing the other engines that it could happen, Thomas was beginning to have his doubts. It wasn't too long ago that he had run out of water and made himself late trying to give a friend what he wanted. The Fat Controller might still be cross with him and might even refuse to have him on the billboard if he caused any more problems.

Thomas knew all he could do was do his jobs well and not take unnecessary risks. He would get the station master to pass the message on when he reached his next stop. Other than that, he would focus on his work.

He stuck to his plan closely for a good while. He gave the smoothest rides possible and he always made sure he had plenty of coal and water for the next journey.

"Have we heard back yet?" he asked Donald and Duck when the three of them were waiting at the same station.

"I didn't even realise you'd asked," laughed Duck, "no, we haven't. Maybe we won't."

Thomas was surprised that Duck seemed so unbothered about it all.

"We don't need to get what we want all the time," puffed Duck, "it is only a photograph."

"On a billboard!" chuffed Thomas, "Somewhere where people will see it and admire you!"

"I don't work to be admired," said Donald calmly.

"Neither do I," said Duck, "and I think anyone who does simply doesn't know how to be a useful engine."

Just as Donald and Duck were leaving, the station master came out onto the platform.

"Thomas!" he called, "Sir Topham Hatt has agreed. Tell the engines to meet up at Tidmouth Sheds later." He then told Thomas that Gordon was stuck on the hill and The Fat Controller was struggling to find an engine to help him.

Douglas, who overheard this last bit as he pulled into the station, was eager to help.

"Your next train is due soon," the station master said to Douglas.

"I'll take your train, Douglas!" peeped Thomas.

Douglas was incredibly grateful. He rushed off to help Gordon.

As for Thomas, he rushed off to get coupled up to Douglas' coaches. He knew the last train he was supposed to pull that day was due not long after this train terminated. The only way both trains would run on time was if he went fast enough to complete this first journey a bit early.

Thomas waited anxiously as his passengers boarded his train. He couldn't set off early.

The last door of the coaches closed. The guard blew his whistle. It was time.

Thomas pumped his pistons. He steamed along the track, occasionally bumping his coaches a little more than he wanted to.

"Your passengers won't like this, Thomas," his driver called out sternly.

Thomas did his best to give a smooth ride. This job required all of his concentration.

Through sheer force of will, Thomas glided his way along the rails and reached his final stop just early enough. It was a downhill journey from here.

Thomas got ready to pull his final train of the day straightaway.

His last journey felt longest of all. However, it was actually over rather quickly. Taking no notice of the passengers grumbling about their bumpy ride, Thomas sped away. He hoped he wouldn't be late reaching Tidmouth Sheds.

By the time he got there, all the other engines had taken their places ready for the photograph to be taken. Duck was in his birth.

"Come along now, Thomas," the snooty photographer said while paying more attention to his camera than to Thomas.

Thomas sighed and rolled alongside the shed.

The Fat Controller, who was stood next to the photographer, smiled.

"All of you," he said, winking at Thomas, "have done incredible work for years. Billboard or no billboard, I hope all my engines know just how special each and every one of them is."

The photographer snorted and set about taking the photograph.

The engines were all ready. Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, Duck, Donald, Douglas, Oliver and Emily all looked at the camera lense and gave their biggest smiles as the camera flashed.

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