Chapter - 22

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" what's it ? " Zhao Yi Ran asked to see the butterfly.

" A Lan sect technique to send messages ."

Zhao Yi Ran nodded.

" Lan Zhan ? "

" Shizui, Jingyi , Jin Rulan has gone behind a suspicious person regarding this case alone." Lan Wangji said.

" Where did they encounter ? " Wei Wuxian asked.

" Near Yunmeng during Night hunt."

" And those three left alone ? They need punishment." Wei Wuxian said a little seriously but more worriedly.

" Shizui will take care of them." Lan Wangji said calmly.

" I know but still it's dangerous for them." Wei Wuxian said but suddenly he turned to Lan Wangji with questioning gaze.

" Lan Zhan I now remembered I have something to ask you ? " Wei Wuxian said.

Lan Wangji nodded.

" Wu Peng didn't get wounded when the dark energy enter in his body but your hand did." Wei Wuxian said.

" Because Wu Peng didn't oppose it. He let it enter like water seep in soil little by little." Lan Wangji explained.

" Oh ! I get it." Zhao Yi Ran said excitedly.

Wei Wuxian turned to him while raising his one eyebrow.

" It's like Hanguang Jun was using his energy and the dark energy using it's power so in between whatever was, feel the impact." Zhao Yi Ran said.

Wei Wuxian nodded. He had also got the idea but he wanted to listen the other person as he always make some unusual theories.

" So we have chances to meet the two lans." Zhao Yi Ran said .

" Hope so . I'll break their legs if they get hurt before meeting us." Wei Wuxian said protectively.

Lan Wangji shook his head. He knew how much Wei Wuxian love them but surely he'll give them earful.

After having dinner they left for Bai forest.

The forest seemed to be normal. When they entered in Huli mountain, the atmosphere was gloomy.

" It's normal." Wei Wuxian said.

" Yes , master Wei ." Zhao Yi Ran said.

" Zhao gongzi, do you think you can find the beast here like you did in Huli mountain ? "

" I can " Zhao Yi Ran said and did what he do to find nine tailed cave.

" Follow me " Zhao Yi Ran said.

As they moved forward , they heard some sword clashing sound.

" What ? We didn't hear anything earlier ? " Zhao Yi Ran said.

Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji glanced at each other and moved in the direction of sound.


" A'yuan, what is this thing ? " Lan Jingyi said while cutting through a black mass but it seemed that it wasn't affected by their attacks. The black mass was seemed was semi solid and was extending numerous arms from itself.

" I don't know " Lan Shizui said while moving his sword.

" What we do now ? " Jin Rulan said.

Lan Shizui took few steps back and summoned his guqin and started the chord assainaton technique. It was powerful, the thing seemed to be in unfavorable position for a minute but it wasn't enough. The thing seemed to grow more vigorous. As the the black thing was about to engulf Jin Rulan who was nearest to it , a black mist enveloped him and took him other side.

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