4. Decimation

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    With every mile they drove, Y/n's heart sank deeper into hopelessness. There were similar wrecked scenes all along the way as if they were going through a stampede. Ruined buildings, crashed vehicles, corpses raging and everything destroyed; just horror remained. Y/n heaved a breath trying to be an 'adult' about it and keeping her mind sane.

    Soon, they reached Y/n's hometown about 4 miles from where she worked. With her breath stuck in her lungs, Y/n made the last turn. She was home. A little too late, but she had managed to come, after 12 hours of fighting for her life and hiding in guilt, she finally was home.

    They got out of the car after parking it outside the garage. The left side of the house was in shambles because of a pole falling straight onto the roof, but the rest of the house was fine.

"Shit..." Y/n cursed at the sight of her house.

    With each step they took closer to the house, they could feel the gravity in the air. And when the front door was finally within reach, they opened it. Moving slowly, making minimal noise as by now they knew what attracted the creatures. But to say the least, their hearts were enough to alert them as they beat like they were about to explode.

Y/n held the gun she got from the zoo's office tightly in her hand and turned towards the kitchen.

"UUAAAggghhh..." There was a groan behind them coming from the living room.

    They snapped their heads to see a middle-aged man drenched in blood and missing arms, amble towards the window.

"Dad..." Y/n mumbled. The zombie screeched and lunged towards them amid which it fell onto the ground.

"AGGHH!" There was another screech from the kitchen as a woman with similar atrocities rocked up from behind the counter.

Minho quickly covered Y/n's mouth with one of his hands and dragged her upstairs.

    The zombies hissed and started crawling toward them much faster than the ones that they had just fought.

    Minho and Y/n quickly got inside the room to their right and closed the door. The zombies were quick enough to catch up though, they were already banging on the door with rackety screaming. Minho held the doorknob and supported the door with his body.

"Ugh, shit! Y/n! Help me here-" Minho stopped midsentence.

"H-Haeun!" Y/n rushed toward her sister who was currently underneath the rubble from the fallen light pole.

"Unni! Wake up! Please..." With shaking hands and a shattering voice, Y/N shook her sister's upper body which was visible from under the rubble.

"Y/n..." Haeun mumbled in an almost inaudible voice.

"Ah thank god..." Y/n hugged her sister's face as her overwhelmed body was shaking all over.

"Thank you so much for being alive."

"Minho! Help me get her out!" Y/n pled.


"Chan jump!" Felix yelled.

"What?! It's the 2nd floor!" Chan yelled back.

"Just do it!" Felix thrust Chan and Haley out of the window which was behind them.

"Wai-" Chan didn't get to finish before they fell out of the window breaking through the glass.

'This is the end...' He thought mid-air as he held Haley tightly against his chest. Chan closed his eyes as he embraced the fact that once he fell on his back it was the end for him.

    He didn't exactly feel sad or afraid that he could die; there was no certain emotion left in him. Chan was just confused. What was happening? And why did it turn out that way? He didn't understand anything.

    Somewhere through the haziness and in a trance of horror, a forgotten piece of his past, a memory he never realized he had stored in his brain came back to him.

    That one summer vacation, when Chan was a kid; when he was wandering around their vacation house, he found a boy sitting in a wheelchair in a dark room. He was scary: so slim that only skin and bones could be seen, skin which was grey and his hair had fallen out making him almost bald. He almost looked...


'Are my real parents dead?' A thought crossed Chan's mind as his back finally hit the ground on the lawn.

"Ackh!" Chan bent his spine and ducked his head to brace the impact and protect Haley who was still in his arms.

"Aaghh!" Chan grunted with pain from the wound on his back and freshly gained scratches from the ground.

"Shit, Felix I'll kill you." Chan sat back up and held his back.

"Haley baby, you okay?" Chan asked gently holding Haley and inspecting if she had any injuries.

    Haley nodded but she was still crying badly from everything. Chan wasted no time in hugging and reassuring her that it would be fine although he was himself questioning it a few minutes ago.

"It's okay, I'm here..." Chan said.

"UAAGGHH!!!" There was another huge roar like the one from before, but this time the zombies were rushing outside of the mansion as gunshots could be heard from the inside.

Chan picked Haley up and stood on his feet.

"Close your eyes and don't you open them till I say, okay?" Chan started making a run in the direction of the fence gate.

He pulled out his phone and quickly dialled a number.

"Call for backup! I need backup Gimpo! Make it quick!" Chan yelled over the phone but there was no response.

"Damn it!" He stomped his foot and shoved his phone back into the pocket of his coat.


    Chan curbed as he saw the fence. But it wasn't passable. Zombies came in and were electrocuted as soon as they touched the fence. One by one they fell over each other inducing an even larger electric circuit which was starting to produce sparks.

"Oh shit!" Chan turned around and started running in the opposite direction as fast as he could.

    From the back, he could hear rumbling from the electric fence and the light from the sparks that it was producing.

'There's no way out... there's no way out... no way...'



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