𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹

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I continued walking around the slightly dark hall till I reached a door at the end of it. When I was about to open it I heard whispers around me. When I looked behind me to see who it was the whispers stopped and in front of me stood a girl with dark hair which was covering her face completely.

I tilted my head to the side and she did too.
Who are you?" I asked while slowly backing away till my back hit the door behind me.

„You're dreaming Y/n." ... „What?",

„You're dreaming wake up.", „What do yo-"

~soft music playing~

I opened my eyes and shut them down a few times to adjust to the sunlight that was hitting my face. I sat up which made me realise that I was on top of kyung-Jun.My cheeks turned slightly red from embarrassment and I backed away while he slowly sat up,rubbing his eyes.

I noticed the others waking up to but hey..why were we all sleeping on the floor. Didn't I black out yesterday? Did the others too?

I saw Yoon-Seon standing up to run to the window.When she turned around and looked at us and I saw her expression I felt like crying.
How did that happen? I was even saying that the game was „cool".

Suddenly all phones starting peeping and we again received a massage from the game and an announcement.

„Before the last vote closed, the police used their skill.Choi Ju Won was executed by the mafia.Choi Ju Won was a mafia.All participants identify the mafia and begin to vote."

A mafia got executed by a mafia? I thought they were on the same-

„Y/n.." I jumped as someone put their hand on my shoulder. It was kyung-jun who looked at me with a serious expression on his face.W-was he mad because- „Are you... never mind." He said and stood up. What the- what was that?

„The broadcast..who's in charge of the broadcast.", Woo ram asked. „Why is it even on!??" He yelled pointing at the speakers.

Some of the boys ran to the second floor to check the broadcast and right after we heard Da-Bum's scream coming from the men's toilet.

I immediately stood up and followed the others to see what's wrong. When we got in I noticed a puddle of blood on the ground.I felt my heartbeat increase and I was scared from what was behind the door..

No one dared to open it so I had to take a deep breath and walked slowly towards the door.
Pushing it open slowly with shake hands the view in front of me made my legs weak.

Ju-Won with a disgusting bloody head on the ground.I covered my mouth and felt some tears build in my eyes.I hated blood.I hated seeing it.
It makes me disgusted because it is disgusting.

Kyung-Jun from behind me grabbed my shoulder and brought me behind so he would be covering the disgusting view from me.I was very thankful for that.

„It's the mafia game..w-what if we all die too!?"
said Da-Bum next to me.I was about to tell him to shut the fuck up because I was already on the verge of crying and he was making it worse but Kyung-Jun already talked for me.

„Shut up your mouth, who says we're gonna die!?"My eyes wandered to Yoon-Seon who walked towards the corpse and crouched down to touch the blood on the ground making furrow my eyebrows in disgust.

„The blood's still wet..He hasn't been dead for long." Yoon-Seon gagged and starting coughing.Just looking at her made me feel like throwing up too so I closed my eyes and turned around covering my face.

Kyung-Jun starting asking Jun-hee about what we should do now but I wasn't listening. I felt my ears ringing and the world around me was spinning till I was snapped back to reality by Kyung-Jun.

„Come on Y/n we have to get out of here!" I nodded with widened eyes and let him pull me with him.

We were just exiting the building when the siren sound came back.

„The game must take place within the boundaries."

I saw Kyung-Jun take out his phone to see the text that says the same thing as the announcement. I then looked around to see a long white line around the building.Is that the boundary?

My head hurts and I had to let it rest on Kyung-Jun's shoulder.Our class president was telling us to wait a moment but silly Sang-Hwan didn't want to listen and ran out of the white line and as stupid as Hyun-Seok is he ran behind him to stop him.

Everyone screamed at them to stop but something was weird about them. Both had their eyes closed and their hand on their head.Are they having a bad headache like me too?

„For breaking the rules Lee Sang-Hwan will be executed..For breaking the rules Kim Hyun-Seok will be executed."

When both opened their eyes I noticed they looked different. Just like what happened to Heo Yool when he got executed. My eyes widened as I realised what will happen next and I held onto Kyung-Jun's arm who looked at me for second and turned his eyes back to the two out the boundaries.

In a second they were running at each other headbutting in the process making me and everyone else back away.Some where screaming at them to stop but they didn't. Instead they kept hitting each other on the head and with each hit more blood making me lose my balance and fall down on my behind.

Kyung-Jun was too shocked to even help me up backing away with each hit they made. Sang-Hwan was the first one to fall down or should I say the first one to die? He fell right in front of Jun-Hee with blood dripping from his head.

Hyun-Seok who was still standing walked with wobbly legs and picked up a stone from the ground.W-Wait he isn't going to-


He starting hitting his head with the stone literally breaking his skull and making more blood fall on his face and I was exactly like him just it was tears falling down from my eyes.

He continued till he eventually died and fell down on the ground.

„Lee Sang-Hwan and Kim Hyun-Seok were citizens."


Now we were sitting at the entrance of the building.I was sitting with Kyung-Jun on a desk. I don't know when he even helped me up.
And..since when was he so nice to me.Maybe because he realised what kind of a serious situation we are in right now.

I was still too shocked from what I have seen and wasn't paying attention to what the others were talking about at all.

When I looked up I saw Yoon-Seon and Jeong-Won walking up the stairs but where were they going?

Sighing I looked around me a bit. Everyone was silent. Some where about to cry and some were too traumatised from the events that happened a few minutes ago to even cry or say something.

I put my hands on the desk or at least I thought so but my right hand landed on some Metalls?Looking behind me I found some keys.

„Kyung-Jun.." he turned his head towards me but no more words came out of my mouth so I just looked down at the keys in my hands.

He looked at them then back at me and smirked. He then took them from my hands and hid them in his pocket.


„There's a mountain between the trail and the end is a village.We just have to find people and ask for help."

That's what Jun-Hee was trying to explain to us while pointing at the map.

What surprised me is that Kyung-Jun actually agreed to Jun-Hee's idea and now they were discussing who's going through the trail to try and find people that might be able to help us.

In the end they decided that Jun-Hee,Eun-Ha,
Woo-Ram,So-Mi,Dong-Hyun,Na-Hee and Hyun-Ho will be going.

I was thinking about going with them too but if anything happens I wasn't ready to see someone kill themselves in front of me again.

𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓪 𝓫𝓪𝓭 𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶~ // 𝙺𝚘 𝙺𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚐-𝙹𝚞𝚗 𝚡 𝚏𝚎𝚖!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛 // Night has come Where stories live. Discover now