TEN: This Is A Bad Idea

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Narrator's POV:

The night was in full swing as music lit up the docks, music playing throughout it and echoing off the ocean, and cheers coming from everyone as they celebrated their own accomplishments or the end of the day.

Aphmau stopped running, causing Nana-Chan to nearly bump into her as they looked around at everything, the guys walking up behind them and looking around.

Aphmau looked at Nana-Chan and smiled as she let go of her hand and jumped down the stairs running towards the first bar, Captain Aaron following closely behind her.

Travis stepped next to Nana-Chan and looked down at her, Nana-Chan looking up at him with a nervous look on her face and looked back around at everything.

"Come on, it's going to be fun" Travis said and walked down the stairs, Captain Garroth close at his side just to keep him safe while Zane lingered back around Nana-Chan.

Zane stepped up next to her, he could see the hesitation in her eyes as they darted around at everything, she had never seen anything like it before and that made her nervous.

But the consequences weighed down on her as she realized that if her parent had some how found out about this, it would mean that her parents would lock her away for the rest of her life.

"This is a bad idea" Nana-Chan whispered, Zane chuckled deeply and stepped down the stairs, turning around to face her as he placed his hands behind his back.

"The most fun adevnetures always start out as a bad idea Nana. All it comes down too is if you are willing to risk the consequences of the bad idea coming back to bite you. So are you going to take the risk? Or am I walking you back to your house?" Zane explained.

Nana-Chan stared at him for a moment, she looked over her shoulder once again up the hill towards the gates of the palace where her house was rested and then back to him.

And with her heart beating in her eyes, she took the first step down the stairs until she stepped onto the docks and stood in front of Zane with a nervous yet sure smile on her face.

"Adventure time it is" She breathed out quietly, and for the first time ever Zane smiled as he stepped to the side and held out his arm in the direction of the bar.

Nana-Chan walked past him, Zane following closely behind her as she made her way towards the bar that everyone had just slipped into moments ago.

With a deep breath, Nana-Chan walked into the bar and looked around as music boomed loudly from the live band as she looked around at everything.

Her eyes sparkling in amazement that Zane watched closely as he followed closely behind her, keeping those who wouldn't be scared to try anything away from her.

Nana-Chan spun slowly as she looked around at everything, she had never been in a bar until today.

"Well aren't you a pretty little thing. A new friend of yours Zane?" Nana-Chan spun around to see the bartender leaning against the bar counter, staring at the two.

His messy blonde hair almost in his eyes and a deep tan on his skin from spending so much time in the sun whenever the bar wasn't open, and a sly smile on his face as if he knew something that Nana-Chan didn't.

"You could say that" Nana-Chan looked over at Zane but he didn't look at her and held up two fingers and the bartender nodded his head, walking off.

Nana-Chan walked towards Zane and placed her hands on the bar counter, looking around and spotting Travis with Captain Garroth, Captain Aaron, and Aphmau standing off to the side.

Zane⁓Chan: The Handmaiden and The Pirate MercenaryWhere stories live. Discover now