Chapter 2: Ascension and eveloution

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Yo what's up I know quicker upload then my other stories but meh anyway hope you enjoy


Naruto's new form lay down after hunting a group of around 10 of those big hollows. Finding out they were called Gilen. Resting himself in the sand between one half eaten corpse. Suddenly his form shacks rapidly as pain filled his nerves

As a light engulfs his body it cleared to show him again but different. Now having only two tails and he actually had skin. All of it was pale white with the tails having red tips

Along with his mask now having red lines over his eyes, mouth and down from his nose his masks ears were also white and had red endings

His form had shrunk to under half the size now only 10.ft tall. His head and back now held white hair that waved behind his mask

His limbs and body seemed to be basing him more and more on a fox. Now being built for speed and agility, but still hitting stronger then any normal animal

Standing up he looks around seeing many more hollow cornering him but he simply smirked. Raising his power some cowered will many were now openly drooling out their mouths

Giving a growl of his own that looked to have made them all charge at him mouths and claws wide open to attach. Rushing aswell towards them but more strategicly and not in a mindless assault


He stood over their dead bodies as he feasted on them. Thinking over his evolution his gaze found a strange sight. Deep in the forest area one of the Gilen was opening a portal. He watched as it went in and was gone

"I could leave here?" Not remembering how he got here anymore this was big for him. His gaze finds his claws "and I could get revenge on that damn place but I can't no, not yet this hunger will be needed to be fixed before I leave"

Facing a dead hollow who was at the same level of hollow as him "this one said something about becoming a Vasto Lordé if he ate me" pondering on this he decides to go for that next

"In order to leave I must become Vasto Lord then" nodding mentally at his plan he dashed of seeing a ceró in the distance"hehe more food for my evolution then" his eyes gleamed/glowed with accitment as he followed the source of power

___few days Later___

"Rahhhhh!" Firing a ceró (hollow flash/beam) he then dodged as a large clawed hand struck where he once was. Appearing Infront of the hollow in a burst of speed that took the hollow off guard he fired a quick ceró

Not checking for the damage or it did any he charged at its retreating form

He reached out and tried to slice its head off or at least its mask. Missing it the hollow slithered underneath him getting some needed distance

Blocking a counter ceró with his arms he roared in rage. This large 2 armed snake adjuchas (evolved hollow) was a pain to fight against. It kept dodging all his ceró hits but its attacks hit him. The attacks couldn't hurt him much but still.

Neither moved so they were at a stalemate as both locked eyes with each other. In a sudden limping to its body the snake collapsed to the ground

Surprised by its action he stepped forward. Seeing that his earlier ceró he shot as a surprise quick attack did hit. The attack went right through its bottom half leaving a heavy hole wound

(Damn snakes I always hated your kind even when alive you guys just don't go down and are such a pain to kill) He sneered down on it as he towered over the snake's head. Defiantly glaring at him as he did but he smirked seeing this

When he got closer it tried to bite him but he smashed his clawed foot on its wound making it screech in agony. Grabbing with both hands and tearing its jaw open. Forcing it to watch in fear as he formed a glowing ceró in his open jaw

Both arms wrapping his wrists it tried to pull away from the menacing black ceró orb. Even its tail wrapped his neck trying to choke him or lose his control of the orb but he didn't budge

Firing it down its throat the attack went through its mask,head and neck as the tail and arms holding him went limp to its sides

Firing it down its throat the attack went through its mask,head and neck as the tail and arms holding him went limp to its sides

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Stopping he let it go as he started to eat the remaining parts savouring the meal as it felt earned

A sudden pulse in his core made him stumble over as his body lost function and hit the ground

"Argh!gahhh!" His body then shacks on the ground as he screams in pain as his head shoots back. letting out a scream of pain followed by a red pillar of raistu covering him

All hollow nearby fled to get away from the boiling raistu pillar as the ground shook. His form visibly stood up on two legs. Releasing another more primal roar as the raistu slowly came back down in a pressure wave

His form was then Revealed as watching hollows shock on instinct at seeing him

"Rahhhhh!" Screaming out it shacks the area

"Rahhhhh!" Screaming out it shacks the area

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Sorry if it's short I needed to do it like this so I can jump right into the main and important parts of the story

just for scales of time to know how long he was gone arriving as a hollow after Sasuke's rescue mission and has spent the entire timeskip in between Naruto and Shippuden half a year as a normal hollow then the rest of 2 years as an adjuchas getting stronger and working to become a Vasto Lordé

Hope you least liked it and stay tuned

Bye bye 👋

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