Hokage meeting and Naruto fully Exposed

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Okay I'm sorry for the late upload and all but I hope you continue to support this story cuz I really enjoy it.

Also Thanks to all who have voted on the other chapters recently or not,
it really helps in letting me know how much you like this and want it to continue

Anyways enough of me rambling and on to the story you're all here here for


Location: leaf-Sand village
Time: 11-12:00 am

Three days after Jiraiya and his selected team failed to find Naruto they were pulled back to the village by Sunadee. The Hokage meeting was coming up and she needed the ninja to be ready

Deciding on choosing Kakashi and Jiraiya as her body guards for the meeting. Her disappointment at her old teammates failure to find the stranger and jinjuriki was short lived as she wanted a straight head going into this

Deep in Suna Gara and his siblings were also prepared to leave but Gara was still waiting for one last member to join him

Closing his eyes he focused his senses as far out of the village through the sands as he could. Searching for the arrivals he was waiting on

A sudden pulse near the gates alerted him and he opened his eyes and turned to find a black hole ripped into the room. Stepping through it were his quests

"Gara-san!" And came the first in a rush as he caught the green blur. Smiling lightly he hold the girl up as she smiles at him

"I got here first~ I got here first oni-san~ slow~" she cheered in his arms as a blonde figure walked over shaking his head

"Yes yes Fuu come on now let Gara go" nope Gar-san getting hugs" her little arms wrapped around his side as he tried to put her down. Feeling warmth in his heart at her nickname, he still slowly pulled her arms away with his sand

"Awww Fuu wants to hug more" she pouts as he patted her head getting a smile as her hair was ruffled a bit. Facing back to Naruto he sighed

"You're really going to do this after all" his tone held no doubt of what his friend would do. Gara only got a grin back making him sigh again "just don't make a scene of the whole thing okay. I've had enough paperwork this week already"

Rubbing between his eyes he glanced at the door to see it come bursting open as Temari strolled in with her fan on her back. Gasping when she sees Fuu the two ran and met halfway as they held a hug

"You're always so cute Fuu!!" Temi-chan!!" Naruto held a small smile at their little reunion but faced his sideways gaze to Gara who nodded. Reaching under his desk he held out a letter report

Taking it his eyes scemed through its contents at a quicker pace than most. Naruto let a low growl as he read before handing it back to his friend who hid it once again

A tug on his side made him glance down as he sees Fuu hold her hands out. Plucking Fuu up he placed her on his shoulders as she snuggled into his hair

"So are you both ready?" They nod as Gara straps his gord to his back and they leave, locking the office when they exited. Near the gates they met Kankurō as he had his puppets with his bag on his back

Nodding sand formed under their feet as Gara used it to carry them out of Suna's desserts


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