The leaf village & Akatsuki meeting 1st Arrancar

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Okay guys I'm back don't worry were all sorted and I hope to get back to normal now

So here it is and thanks for waiting for this


Location: Konahagakure/Fire country
Time: midday

Deep, very deep in a rich forest stood the proud (more like arrogant) and strong village of Konahagakure/Konaha better known as 'The Leaf village'

This village is completely surrounded by forest, it stood tall beside the mountain cliff sides but no building reached above those cliffs. Carved right into the sides of it were the faces of all the village's Hokage (leaders) from 1st-5th

Huge thick wooden walls are placed all around and in front protected by ninja guardsmen. Past the high walls stood the busy village streets. Shops opened for sale, blacksmiths heating up their furnaces and in the very center at the end the 'imposing' Hokage tower could be spotted

Their Somewhat peaceful air was interrupted by the loud bang of fist against wood and "What!!"

From inside the hokage tower and deeper into the office is where the loud disturbance came from

Sitting up from her chair the current female Hokage Sunadee Senju was not pleased not pleased one bit. After Team 7's return from their mission in Suna/The sand village they all as fast possible made their way to her office with their mission report

The report of said mission was as they expected not taking very well as Team 7 didn't complete it or gain the truce signed between both villages. The blond woman was especially upset that now Gara had openly banned them from entering again. With any ninja found inside their walls would be hunted and killed

Thankfully Kakashi's interference into their leaders outburst helped the blond calm down to hear his reasoning of why it happened like this. Said one opened eyed silver haired ninja reported on the stranger that had assisted in rescuing Gara from the two Akatsuki members

Quelling her rage and flurry she was told about how they found both wanted ninja dead in the cave where the two must have fought against the new stranger

Sakura then started to scream profoundly on how the guy had disrespected Sasuke's family and ninja status. None could hear anything for a minute after but all were able to snap back to normal

Sasuke of course was off to the side grumbling out plans of revenge and how he needed the power the stranger held. Like always the hokage ignored his rants and faces the others

"Did you at least get this stranger's name and where did he come from?" Narrowing her gaze on the team. No one met her gaze fully except Sai who was just on the side watching this drama play out with a passive expression

"No, Hokage-Sama but I was able to recall his little friend he seems to be traveling with"

Her hard eyes held onto the silver haired man as sweat poured down his neck from her cold stair "oh and do tell me their name then, cuz I'm in no mode for your jokes Kakashi"

"Well from her appearance the girl is most certainly the missing 7 tails jinjuriki her name was Fuu if I remember right"

Leaning back in her chair a small smirk grazed her lips "so he has taken a jinjuriki with him this is very interesting news, maybe I can use her as our new weapon for the village of course after we take care of the brat" she thought with her smirk growing

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