Soul Society and tracking

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What's up readers nice to see you back here again for more 🤗

I'd like to say I'm thinking of splitting some parts of future chapters between Naruto and Soul society's actions going forward as when you will see in this one some older long dead faces in cannon Naruto will be repairing again

I won't try to tell you all who will be coming back but note they will be important going forward

Anyways you know the deal you should you know how this works with in my stories when people talk and all that other stuff

SO let's begin shall we

Oh enjoy and come back for more later see yea at the end 🏃 bye

Another's technique! Narrator-no-employment!



3rd pov

Many years ago
During the time after Naruto's hollow transformation

Location: 1st squad meeting hall

In a wide open room stood multiple figures all in black and white clothing all wearing the same similar outfits to each other and welding swords on their hips in sheaths

Many of them where a mixture of all age appearances from young to really old

They were the well known and respected group of shinigami called the thirteenth squad captains each sharing the title alongside their squad number many respersenting their rules in Soul Society

And in the middle and very center sat a very old looking man also in similar clothes to the rest, only he had a large cloak like uniform over his shoulders and sat leaning on a very sturdy wooden can

And in the middle and very center sat a very old looking man also in similar clothes to the rest, only he had a large cloak like uniform over his shoulders and sat leaning on a very sturdy wooden can

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This was the well respected and feared head captain of Soul Society living and standing as the head for over 1000 years head captain Yamamoto

This old man seemed to be in a state between anger and disappointment as his eyes were closed but many in the room knew he was only deciding on his next response

You see not merely hours ago the small group of shinigami that were sent out to search find and retrieve a very special newly dead soul from the land of the living

This small group however had recently came back empty handed and missing a member from their group

This said group now remained a duo where the two shinigami sent out to retrieve one Naruto Uzumaki's soul that was located in the hidden leaf village

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