Gara's recovery and Captains hunt

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Yoyo hea what's up

I would like to say thanks for those of you who have waited for this 😁 and to those who just discovered this story

Welp hi sorry don't have much to say except thanks for finding this enjoyable and worth your time to read 🤗

So time to start



Crap I don't have one 😅
Sorry guys you're stuck with me


Location: hokage office
Time: late midday

___3rd pov___

In the centre of the village located in Sunagakure or the sand village we continue where the story left off

As multiple figures stood or sat around in the head office they all waited for the awakening of the one laying down on a bed in front of them. Each and all either were relaxing, sleeping or holding worry for their unconscious ally

Relaxed on the second closest chair to the door was the figure of a blonde haired looking teen who was sitting comfortably against the back of the chair. Gold-hazel blue eyes were staring down with a kind but protective look at the sleeping form snuggled in his lap

This little green haired girl was sleeping peacefully in his arms after a long day of travel and needed to rest. After being bored while waiting for the unconscious figure to wake up she fell asleep

Ignoring the curious and concerned looks on the faces held around him he held no such worry merely waiting patiently for when he is needed to speak or move

This blonde was Naruto the once knuckle headed and Uzumaki ninja of Konaha (leaf village) and the previous container of the kiyubi or nine tails fox demon. This same Uzumaki sat among the same kind he once was, his true identity not yet told to the others. Worried they would be afraid of what he had become after his unfortunate death 3 years ago

Scratching the half broken side mask over his face. Those sharp fingers traced the edge of the mask in thought over what he had been told about the figure that laid before him

This was one of if not his very few trusted friends he had before his death. This figure was the new Susakage (sand shadow or leader) of the sand village and fellow tailed beast container Gara

You see only moments after his sudden reappearance at the gates of the village he, his non-asleep green haired little adopted sister Fuu and lady Chio were escorted to the kage office by sand ninja

Once their entrance inside the many large story tall buildings did they get met with frantic nurses, doctors and healer ninja. Once again rushed to the spare restroom so they could heal the still unconscious Gara

Minutes later then Gara's siblings Temari and Kankurō arrived swiftly also being followed by Baki. The trio were then asked many questions about 'what happened? where was the leaf ninja team that was sent out to bring back their brother?' and most importantly 'how is Gara!?'

But their questions were quickly answered and then returned with some of his own on 'what truly happened to Gara' and 'how was he captured when he was leader of the village and was surrounded by ninja from that village'

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