Fuu's training & discovering the 1st Arrancar

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Welcome back to the normal place called the Naruto fandom....


Damn that sucked😅😮‍💨🤦

Anyways nice to see you all again back for more of this story we'll be picking right back up from where we left off last chapter

So while I hope you enjoy this I'll be trying not to commit suicide at that lame ass entrance at the start of this

So see yea at the end guys bye-😶‍🌫️



Right after returning through the opened garganta, Naruto stepped out to the warm cozy air in Tazuna's spare dock house he gave them. He was then tackled by a sudden green blur "uff!" the form started to tighten their grip on his waist holding him closer and what sounded like sniffling reached his ears. Panicked he knelt down and hugging the form of his little sister who was currently crying into his chest

His soul struck with worry for her he knew what he did was reckless and after all that power he released earlier must have been scary. It must have been enough to be felt all over the elemental nations, maybe not fully but definitely felt in some way

That's not even mentioning how nearly anyone who could sense spirits or holds spiritual power of their own would have most certainly felt it no matter where they were. All the spiritually sensed people would have felt him in every village

Hearing her soft cries come from her he mentally kicked himself for what he did. Looking at her tearful face that was muffling her wipers and sobs into his clothes made his body twist in a knot of emotion

Guilt gripped his soul as he tried to calm the poor girl down, rubbing and drawing circles on her back as he held her. Knowing she needed to be as close to him as possible, after what he knew was now the most fearful event she ever went through alone

Sobs lessened to only whimpers as he finally let her go. Her face shoting up to his gaze. As her frightened and worried face met his eyes it sent yet another pulse of guilt into his soul at seeing his her like this

Almost having broken his promise of never letting her feel sadness and fear without him. He tried smiling to not worry her more but even he himself knew the smile was only him being desperate to calm her down. His gaze watching her relax enough for him to speak to her made his worries lessen

"Fuu I know how I acted towards you back there and I'm sorry" she tried to look away but couldn't as she ended up back in his arms. Neither questioning her as they were frozen in motion. Both sides not wanting to let go as their souls and very beings wouldn't let them be separated again

Faith and the whole world seemed to be pushing them to stay together in this situation and neither fought it

Moving to the coach he carries her carefully watching his strength and his steps as he sat her down first.  Before almost collapsing beside her as Fuu once again clung to his side

"B-big b-brother?" She asked her voice as quiet as a whisper with her shacking gaze meeting his own and finally wanting a answer

"W-who were the b-bad p-people?" He patted her head as he traced a ferm hand through her soft locks. Messing it up but making Fuu feel more comfortable as she leaned into his warm clothes

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