chapter 3: Arrancar and visit

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Hello Everyone nice to see you again anyway here is the next chapter

also for those wondering on his new Vasto Lordé/Arrancar look is it's this:

(Ignore the floating orbs, his clothes and mask are white,Naruto only has one full horn the right one that was black instead of white and had a red tip and the other is a fox ear with the same colour,Also with his blonde-gold hair down the back)

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(Ignore the floating orbs, his clothes and mask are white,
Naruto only has one full horn the right one that was black instead of white and had a red tip and the other is a fox ear with the same colour,
Also with his blonde-gold hair down the back)

If you were asking where the tails went they became his cloak

so yeah hope you enjoy


As Naruto's new look was shown he felt his face and there was still a mask only it was black. Sighing he turned to leave but some hollows ran to attach him. Holding out a hand lazily he formed and fired a black and red ceró vaperized them

Surprised and testing his jump height he shot up into the air and cleared the skyline. Aiming his landing in an open area he caused a dust cloud on impact. Glancing around and nodding liking the increase he got and started traveling again

"This is the big step in going back now to test myself and my new power fully" he dashed off faster than intended and having to slow down to catch himself. Then went back to searching for a worthy fighter or group to test himself

As he travels through the sands he comes across a group of Adjuchas hollows. Diving right in he carved right through the first one, as the others were caught off guard by his sudden appearance. He also killed another in a blur of speed

He barely ducked a ceró from two of the Adjuchas but their attacks did next to nothing to his skin. Blitzing/dashing right behind the third witch was a weird skinny bug. Swiping down he clashed his claw against their blade like arms

During their clash the fourth hollow which was a bird flies up behind him.  It tried to land a full power ceró on his back. Sensing it he replaced himself with the one in front of him in a blur. The hollow caught off guard was hit by the blast

The ceró injured it a lot then he took off its head with a smashing back hand. Forming a balá (hollow shot) in each hand then fired them rapidly at the rest. All them either dodged, blocked with great difficulty or were shredded to pieces. The one shredded was the smallest of the group and was a snake

He grinned widely at one of his worst enemies being killed. Catching something in the corner of his eye he caught a tail that was aimed for his head. Belonging to the sixth hollow that was a huge scorpion. Pulling it closer it was dragged to him.

Upercuting its open jaw his fist shattered the things teeth in a spray of blood. Spinning around to its back he dug his claws into its sides earning more scream of pain

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