departure of wave and saving Gara

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how's it going nice to see you I'll keep it short just wanted to say thanks for reading this and hope you enjoy



Location: great Naruto bridge
Time: around midday

___3rd pov___

Spotting a small group on the end of the bridge we see a family of three saying their goodbyes and farewells to two figures

One was 7.ft tall and has long shoulder length blonde hair teen and wore a mix of black and red clothes with a sword and half mask on his waist

the rest of the mask was worn over the left side of the teens face reaching from the jaw and chin up to past the teens hair and ended with a black and red tipped horn facing forwards

Clear gold-hazel and blue eyes held a look of forgiveness and small regret but behind it all was a unwavering determination

The other figure now laying and sitting on the teen's shoulders was a little green haired girl with her clothes looking as a green jumpsuit, brown shinobi pants and shoes/sandals

Her down and sad looks were because the now recognised Naruto Uzumaki and Fuu were leaving the wave village and heading out

They had packed supplies full of enough food, water and money for a couple weeks travel and was all stored into scrolls given by the family

Inari was holding back tears but the hand of Naruto patted his head as he faced him

"Why do you need to go" he sniffed and wiped unshead tears as Fuu wanted to give him a hug and so Naruto bent down. They  shared a hug with each other before stepping back

Standing back up he faced the two older adults as he had one last hug from Tsunami and a hand shake and pet on the shoulder from Tazuna

"Just remember you two wave will always be open to you both" they nodded as they turned to leave

Sharing one last glance at Tazuna they nodded to each other and so Naruto and Fuu left away from the bridge to the dense lush forest ahead

Arriving at a safe place miles away from wave's border he placed Fuu down as she titles her head confused

"Now Fuu remember when I told you about hollows" getting a nod he held out a hand"now watch me Fuu" generating and charging some of his riastu to his fist he showed the faint glow to Fuu who watched in keen interest

Pulling his hand back he shot it forward as a ball of red raistu hit a close by tree destroying it. Fuu looks on in amazement as he faced her once again "now Fuu that right there is a balá and the power I used is called riastu"

She nods her head as she stood up "can I do that oni-san" her excitement and eagerness was adorable to see as she hoped in place throwing her fists out trying to copy him making him smile slightly

"Yes but in order to do that I need to unlock and train you to use your own riastu" she smiled up at him "can you can you train me oni-san!" He poked her head with his finger as she pouted

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