I'm So Tired pt.2 - Nick

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I'm honestly tired, too, but I wanna keep this updated! Also thank you guys so so so much for reading this! I can't believe that I got 39 reads in just a day!? It may not look like a lot but it means so much to me! I hope you guys enjoy!

Matt and Chris hear a thud from Nick's room...but what is it?

Matt's POV:

It was late when we got back from the car video, so we all said goodnight and went our separate ways. Nick looked super upset though, so bothered, and there was a tear rolling down his cheek? I didn't think much of it though because he was probably just as exhausted as Chris and me. 

I was so wrong.

As I was settling into bed, I heard sobbing coming from Nick's room. Maybe it was a tv show  I thought to myself. But then I heard a thud. I raced over to Nick's room but it was locked, "NICK? Come on buddy just let me in, we can talk." I tried. No answer. I'm sure it could've been anything, I could've been overreacting, but I was just...scared. Scared that something bad was happening and scared that Nick felt like he couldn't reach out. Chris walked out of his room, clearly annoyed, but I think he realized by my tears that there was something serious. "Step back" was all Chris said before breaking open the door, but I was not ready to see Nick. I walked in and raced around Nick's room looking for him. When I couldn't find him, I turned to his bathroom. I just stopped. 

Nick was propped up on the bathtub, bleeding from his arms and stomach. "NICK" Chris and I yelled in sync. I wanted to cry so badly, but Chris was already a mess, helplessly holding Nick and trying to keep him awake. That was the worst part, the fact that Nick was still alive and breathing (just barely.) I gathered a handful of towels and held them tightly over his cuts. I could hear him whine in pain when I pressed down, but I didn't have a choice. The bleeding had to be stopped. "Nick I need you to stay awake, okay bud?" I said even though I knew it probably wouldn't work. I saw Nick open his mouth, mustering any energy he had to speak, "I'm sorry, I love you..." Nick said.

He let go.

"Fuck, Nick!" I yelled, I couldn't keep it in anymore, Nick stopped breathing completely. I didn't know it, but Chris was also on the phone with 911 as Nick fell asleep. He screamed, I couldn't help but hold him as the paramedics rushed in. All of a sudden, everything dawned on me; I saw Nick's cuts, his lifeless body propped against the wall, the fact that I could lose him forever only made me hold Chris tighter as he cried on my shoulder. I zoned back into reality, the paramedics had a defibrillator against Nick's chest, "1, 2, 3, clear" they repeated, as Nick's body would just jump helplessly. On the final attempt, it worked. A faint but stable heartbeat was found and I couldn't have felt more relieved. They lifted Nick onto the stretcher and took him to the hospital, me and Chris tagging along in the back of the ambulance.

Nick's POV:

I fell onto the floor. Shittttttt I didn't mean to be that loud. Then I heard the very last thing I wanted to hear, Matt knocking on my door. I thought it'd be okay, that Matt would just give up, but I heard the door knock down and soon enough Chris was holding me and Matt was stuffing towels into my open wound (which hurt like a bitch). Suddenly I regretted everything. Feeling Chris's arms around me, seeing Matt truly care, hell they both cared. They were both sobbing even though I don't think Matt knew he was. It was too late though, I did what I did. I felt myself starting to slip and muttered out what I thought would be my last words "I'm sorry, I love you..." 

And then pitch black.

I woke up. It was all white. No, not "heaven" white though, it was...dammit...a fucking hospital room. I started choking abruptly when I felt a tube down my throat. A million alarms started going off as doctors and nurses rushed into my room. "Can you tell me your name, sir?" A man said to me after my tube had been removed. "Um, Nicolas Sturniolo..?" I said to the man. "Very good," he said, "your brothers can see you now" (sorry I don't know how hospitals work 💀)

Matt and Chris walked into my room and both started crying. Well, Matt started crying Chris broke down. "You *gasp* were asleep *gasp* for a month" Chris cried to me while hugging me. "I thought you wouldn't wake up" Matt said, also hugging me. I never heard Matt sound so vulnerable before, I felt so guilty for not only putting him through this stress, but also leaving him to deal with Chris who is a natural disaster. "Where are mom and dad?" I asked, I hadn't seen them in forever. "They're driving here now. They can't wait to see you awake." Matt reassured me. 

After things had calmed down, Chris spoke up, "Why'd you do it, Nick?" I didn't expect that question, but I knew it would come eventually, "I... don't know...people in our comments hate me, and so I kinda assumed that you guys hated me too and I just couldn't do it anymore I-'' my words cut off as I start sobbing. "I never meant to hurt you guys" I said to Matt and Chris. "It's okay Nick, we know you're hurting now and we can get you the help you need." Matt said.

3rd person POV:

It had been a year since Nick's attempt, and with a lot of therapy he got better. There were still times when he felt depressed, obviously, but considering what he had gone through with Matt and Chris, he felt more open to talking to them instead of...what he did the first time 😬.

WOOHOO!! Oh my that felt like a lot. Thank you guys so much for all your support, I'm gladly taking requests because I'm drawing a blank over here 😅 credit will be given and Hyper PT.2 will be up later! I love you, pookies!

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