Who Am I? pt.2 - Nick

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Hey guys! 💜 I want to start off by saying...3.3K READS?!?! YOU GUYS ARE ACTUALLY SO AMAZING IT'S BONKERS. I literally never thought my writing would make it anywhere ever, but you most of you guys are such amazing people who legit take time to read what I put on here and dude, you don't understand how happy that makes me. 💜 I don't care if y'all are new here or some of my OG readers, you all are shining bright like the big star you are (Matt reference lol 😂) Anyways! Enough of me literally almost sobbing from joy, I'll let you read the much awaited part 2!

Nick's body finally gives in, how does his family handle it when he wakes up?

TW: ED (specifically Bulimia), starvation, self harm, mentions of body dysmorphia, cursing

Matt's POV:

Nick had been so off lately. I didn't know what was wrong with him, but I did notice his change in attitude and Chris especially did too. "Hey Matttt," Chris said in that specific tone of voice that said 'I want something and I'm trying to convince you to do it' I sighed, "what's up kid?" Chris sheepishly looked at the ground and murmured something completely incoherent, "What?" I asked him, "Can we go to McDonald's?" Chris asked with puppy eyes. This fucking kid. Always wanting fucking McDonald's but god forbid he ever brings his own money. I didn't mind, though, I was getting hungry, too. "Okay, just go get ready," I said.

I sat up in bed. I thought of Nick and how he hadn't been talking to or hanging out with us lately. As Chris was about halfway out the door, I asked "Do you think we should invite Nick?" Chris was pissed with Nick because he hadn't seen him in forever and was honestly just mad that he wouldn't communicate (of course other than cussing us out or something), "Look, Matt, I don't know what the fuck that kid's problem is, but he's not going to want to go." Chris told me sadly, "Doesn't that bother you, though?" I asked him, "Answer that honestly." I commanded. Chris sighed, "It does bother me. I'm worried that he's not taking care of himself, but it's not an excuse for hi to take it out on us." He said, sitting next to me on my bed. "We should ask him to come here and talk to us," I suggested "because if something really is wrong, we at least want to be able to help him..." Chris chuckled as if he thought it wasn't a good idea, "Whatever you say bro," he said "Yo Nick, stop being a Dick for a minute and come here." Chris called across the house.

We both heard familiar Nick-footsteps as he said "I'll stop being a dick when you give me a reason not to beat your ass." Great, at least his witty comebacks weren't gone. Nick entered the room and I was immediately concerned. He had bags under his eyes, his mullet (which was usually somewhat tame) was now a tangly mess, and most of all he looked ready to kill anyone. "What the fuck is wrong now?" Nick asked us, which kind of made me laugh given his current state, "Do you really not see it? That's it. Nick you're so irritable lately, what's wrong?" Nick looked hella confused and cocked his head towards me "I'm not irritable, I just make good points." Nick tried to argue. Chris was done with it. He had enough of Nick's "nothing's wrong" bullshit and decided to say something.

"Nick stop lying to yourself we all know that you are not okay and it shows through." Suddenly Nick's demeanor changed at the blink of an eye. He looked disoriented, like he just didn't know what was happening anymore, "You need to talk to us, Nick, because whatever you're doing is not healthy and it's not okay because you're hurting the fans because they think you hate them, Nick." Nick just stood there like he was teleported to the wrong year and Chris was speaking a foreign language. "Do you really want them to think that, Nick?!" Chris scolded. Nick was completely lost now, like an dementia patient trying to remember a memory from fifteen years ago. His legs were starting to shake noticeably, but Chris continued to scold him like a child. I wanted to intervene, but angry-Chris is like Godzilla stubbing his toe on the sharp end of a nail "Nick?! Did you hear a word I just said?!" Chris yelled.

That's when something clicked in Nick...but in all the wrong ways. His face relaxed like he completely stopped trying, his body stopped shaking, and he fell. He just- *splat* -fucking fell. I could see Chris shift into mom-mode almost as soon as Nick started to fall, "Nick? Shit...shit shit shit!" Chris yelled. He shoved a phone in my hand "Call 911, Matty, now." He urged me. I dialed the number and as I talked to the operator, I saw Chris aiding Nick in place of a paramedic. There were so many different things going through his head and I could tell. His body was doing all the physical work, his eyes said "alright, this needs this and that needs that" while his mouth was showing off all his guilt, muttering every cuss word known to man. Soon enough paramedics were flooding into our house and rushing to Nick's side. They lifted him onto a stretcher and we followed them as they were walking out "18 year old male, vitals are weak, severely malnourished and dehydrated. I'm going to need a tube for fluids and a PEG tube, stat." An emergency EMT announced. Everything fell into place and soon enough we were at the hospital.

Chris's POV:

How could I have been so fucking stupid? Could I really not have asked Nick to open up to me instead of insulting him? Now he's in the fucking hospital because I ignored the signs. My leg was bouncing up and down like there was the tiniest earthquake only underneath my foot, "Hey, Chris, you can calm down. Nick is in good hands now." Matt said, resting his hand of my thigh. It did help. Like, a lot. But it was still my fault. "How can I be calm, Matt? Nick is in the hospital because of me." I said, trying really fucking hard to not cry. "It is not your fault dumbass. He did his typical Nick thing where he told himself 'you know, I just won't care for myself until I'm all caught up with editing' except this time he took it too far." Matt argued. That softened the mood, I laughed and said "He's just too caring for others..." "exactly, that's why it isn't your fault. Even if it was, he'll be fine. Nick it tougher than a well-done steak." I hugged him, "Thank you, Matt."

A few minutes passed and a doctor arrived, "Christopher and Matthew Sturniolo?" I shot Matt an 'oh, how fancy we are' glance as we got up to see the doctor. "It appears that Nicolas hasn't been taking care of himself for the past few months. He's malnourished and dehydrated, his hair is greasy, and it looks like he hasn't been sleeping, either. We've cleaned him up and started him on some fluids and a PEG Tube (btw that's a feeding tube 💜) and he's currently sleeping. Nicolas should be out in at least a week." The doctor said. How awful, I'm glad he's okay now, but seriously how the hell do you manage to do that? The doctor said "His room number is 2003." haha, pretty ironic right? We saw Nick and waited by his bedside until he woke up.

I was tapped awake by a familiar touch. Nick's hand. I shook Matt awake and we all hugged. "Nick, thank god man," Matt sighed in relief. "Nick, please take care of yourself. You're so much more important to us than you are to any of our fans. We'd literally crumble without you." I confessed. A tear rolled onto his cheek, "I love you guys." Nick said, crumbling back into our arms. "Also...who would edit our videos if you were gone?" I joked. We all laughed and Matt shoved me playfully.

It was so nice to have brothers like them.

FUCK YEAH! I finally finished 💀 I hope you guys liked that! Again, I will try to update as frequently as I can, and I appreciate all of your wonderful patience (and essence 💅🏼). I love you, pookies! 💜

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