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Okay so I'm super happy rn for two reasons:

One, I didn't ever think people would enjoy my writing so I'm just like, so shocked that this has gotten so much love and attention, so really thank you guys SO much. 

TWO: I HAVE 1.3K READS?!?! I'm sorry but when did that happen?! I started out with about 39, and just wow. 1.3k. Also, while I was looking at the stats of my story, I noticed that I have a lot of different readers, wether it's gender, age, where you're from, I'm just so lucky to have you guys! Like, I'm sorry, but people in SWEDEN are reading this?! I love all of you supportive little birdies, duckies, pookies, gummies, whatever you'd like to call it, I'm just so thankful to have all of you 💜

So, while I'm in the US and you guys are spread throughout the globe I know I can't give you all actual gifts, but enjoy some of this emoji food I brought and I hope you like my writing, too!

I love you so so so much, pookies!!

Mosa 💜

(P.S. here's your emoji food: 🥝🥕🌽🥔🥨🥞🍖🍕🌮🍰🍿🍩🍪🍣🥮🍛🍲🍜🧋🍺🍾🫕🌯 <<and please remember to eat actual food, too. You guys are perfect and you absolutely do not need to change for anyone>>)

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