Hyper pt.2 - Nick

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Okay, for this one Imma lock in so sorry the intro is kind of short!

Nick is under a lot of pressure, and it catches up to him when he has too much caffeine.

TW: cursing, injuries, I think that's it? Lmk if I missed something tho

Chris's POV:

Matt and I were sitting on the couch, looking at our phones. Nick had been slacking off, but I kinda felt bad about Matt being so harsh on him. Anyways, we were both relaxing when Nick comes out of his room, frantic and sweaty. I was alarmed, he never looked so out of whack before, and he was breathing super fast I would've  thought he just ran a marathon if I didn't know better. "Ma- *gasp* -tt plea-ease. I can't do this..." Nick slurred before just falling down the fucking stairs. "Nick?!" I yelled, jumping up. Matt on the other hand looked like he would care more if a pin dropped on the floor. "Matt please hurry! He's hyperventilating, feel his pulse." I urged for Matt to do anything but instead he responded with "I think he's doing it for attention." 




That's when I lost it, I got up, stormed over to Matt, and slapped him across the cheek. "You insensitive mother fucker! Our brother is on the verge of a fucking heart attack and you're pulling this 'attention seeking' shit?!" I yelled. I felt really bad, but Matt needed to wake up and smell the roses. I practically threw him over to where Nick was lying. "Oh my..." Matt said, dropping his phone. I guess he had just been aware of the fact that Nick had several bruises and cuts now, so he jumped down to check his pulse. "It's uneven. Chris, we need to call an ambulance, he's literally shaking!" Soon enough the paramedics arrived and assisted Nick. They injected him with something called "lorazepam" which calmed him down a great amount. The paramedics searched his room for a cause of what happened, and guess what they found. 

Caffeine pills and two empty cups of coffee.

Not only did they find that, but they also found a computer wide open with our video on it. Matt and I felt really fucking guilty. How did we not know he was struggling? He told us so many times and we ignored him. The main doctor told us to keep an eye on Nick and let him rest as long as he needed and to only give him water until he could go at least 6 months without caffeine. 

The next day Nick woke up around 2pm holding his head in pain. "Here, take this." I said to him, handing him two Tylenol pills. Nick took them gladly and relaxed, closing his eyes. That lasted about ten seconds before his eyes shot open and he leapt up from the couch and sprinted up the stairs to his room. "I need to finish editing the video, the fans are probably so mad right now! And I need to stay awake, do we have a pot of coffee?" He sprinted back downstairs to the kitchen. There was the pot of coffee he so desperately wanted, "Okay Chris, hand me a cup." He ordered, but I just walked to him calmly, "Chris, what the hell, I need a cup!" He yelled again. I took the pot out of his hand and hugged him, "Stop, what the fuck?! I need the coffee, and where are my pills?! I- I need it.." Nick said. I could feel him start to drop so I sat with him. 

He completely broke down, sobbing like his life depended on it. "I'm so scared Chrissy" Nick cried frantically while crying. "I know you are, bub, but it's not healthy. You're going to hurt yourself and Matt and I need to make sure you don't, so the pills are gone. And no more caffeine for you." He almost looked like he just witnessed a mass murder, "What if I can't stop? What if I end up like an addict?" He asked while trembling. "You won't, our family will help you. Mom and dad are coming back now, Justin is driving over here, Larray and Madi are coming, too. We're not going to let you become a druggie, I promise." I comforted. Nick cried some more before Matt walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Nick. "Hey kid, I'm really really sorry for neglecting you. I got you hurt and it didn't help that we could've lost you. Would you forgive me? Ever?" Matt asked apologetically, Nick didn't waste a second saying yes and hugging Matt, too. 

Soon enough Nick finished all the videos and we took a long break to not only help Nick, but also to make sure that we could comfort him in any way possible. He's getting better now, but sometimes I'm scared that Matt and Nick will find my drugs, too. Oh well, it's not that serious.

At least not now it isn't.

CLIFFHANGER?! I know I said not many Chris or Matt stories, but I couldn't think of a different ending. Lmk if you guys want that to happen, but if it sucks don't blame me 🥲 Requests are always appreciated! I love you, pookies!

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