Deep Waters - Nick

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Hey guys! I forgot how much I missed writing so I'm back at it with another story! 💜 I will say as a heads up that this story contains slightly graphic content and it could trigger some people. Nonetheless I will still put TW before you read 💜💜 Enjoy!

It's a peaceful day for the triplets at the beach, but something horrible goes wrong for Nick.

TW: Blood, hospitals(?), shark attack, cursing

Idea credit: @llcnmwhjh 💜💜💜 

Nick's POV:

Ahhh, the beach. The place where people can be half naked and no one cares, where you either tan or burn, where there are predators in the water slowly waiting to jump on you and kill you...where the sun is hot and the water is cool and so really it's the perfect place! "Nick, you wanna go for a swim?" Chris asked me, somehow already shirtless in the <5 seconds we got there. "Maybe we should eat a little something first, right? And then as our food settles we can play beach volleyball?" I said. My family knew I was afraid of the ocean, but they always encouraged me to at least try the water every time we went to the beach. Chris sighed, "Oh come on, Nick! The water isn't gonna bite you or anything-" Matt cut him off and said "Chris, we can't force Nick into the water. If he wants to eat and then play some beach volleyball, that's fine. Chris huffed, then thought for a minute, and then accepted my plan.

We ate cheeseburgers, we had watermelon and apples, and Matt almost tricked into drinking fucking coconut water, but it didn't work because I'm a mother fucking genie. I always know what's coming. Chris, Matt, Justin, and I played some volleyball for a while while our food settled, Chris and Justin lost miserably to me and Matt which was fun to watch. Oh...but then the promise I made for Chris came. It was time to swim. "Alright Nicky, take off that shirt and those ugly ass sandals and let's get in the water!" He instructed me. "Hey! These sandals are beautiful." I said sarcastically, they had a cheese design on them which would usually sound fine, but the cheese was...rotten on the sandals. Who fucking thought "oh, maybe I should make fucking rotten cheese sandals"? Anyways, I obliged to Chris's request of me getting ready for the water, and soon enough we were on the sand at the shoreline. "Chris, how far are we going?" I asked, nervously. "Only out to where at least you can't touch the ground." He said. "ONLY?" I yelled probably for all of the world to hear. "It's fine Nick, just take my hand and we'll walk out together." Chris said soothingly. I shakily took his hand and we both walked out into the murky waters of the ocean.

I have to admit, the water was really nice, especially with the combination of the sun hitting my face. I could feel my body physically un-tense and I think Chris noticed, too "See? Just let yourself free float...the water can't hurt you." He told me. I breathed out, and for a second it was nice, but Chris tapped me and showed me a way of lying on my back in the water. I tried it out, and damn, it was one of the best feelings I'd ever felt. Chris and I laid there for what felt like forever, letting the water carry us wherever, but still making sure we weren't too far out. I closed my eyes, and let the sounds of the water calm me down and distract me from the fact that I was in deep water. 

The wounds of water ripples, small waves flowing past us, screaming- wait. Last time I checked the ocean does not scream. Chris shook me to get up, and as I looked around, everyone who had been in the water was freaking out, swimming back to shore as fast as they could. I didn't know how to swim, and Chris was already a foot ahead of me, so I tried my best to swim over to where he was, but suddenly I was screaming underwater. And there was this god awful pain in my leg, like a million knives. WAIT THAT'S A FUCKING SHARK ON MY LEG!? I started screaming underwater, flailing and punching at the shark, and it eventually let go.

 My leg was limp, numb enough for me to not be able to swim, but still aware enough to feel every ounce of pain. I tried my best to doggy paddle my way back, and I saw Chris coming back to help me along with a lifeguard. I was so close. So extremely close to being with Chris, but then the same stinging pain in my leg was in the side now, too. The shark had come back and bitten me in my side, and it felt like I could feel each individual tooth penetrating my skin. The lifeguard somehow managed to get the shark away from me (I think he blew his whistle) and I couldn't move anymore. My side was aching so bad, my leg had gone completely limp, and while I was getting lifted out of the water and brought to shore, I could see the huge amount of blood both in the water and on me. I was brought onto shore and laid onto the ground, a metallic taste was seeping into my mouth. Blood. I coughed (which hurt like a bitch) and I could tell that blood came up by the way the lifeguard and paramedics looked at me in pure horror. "Nick, stay awake. I know it hurts but you gotta hold on." Matt said while holding onto my hand. It hurt to breathe, my leg hurt, my side hurt, I cried given the fact that I physically couldn't breathe because of the immense pain, "Nick! Shit his lips are turning blue, Nick you gotta breathe bud." Chris encouraged me, but it was too late. I'm surrounded by darkness.

Chris's POV:

God, I'm so fucking stupid. I know Nick is afraid of deep water, and I still dragged him in. I mean, for like, five minutes he was enjoying it, but then someone called out the worst possible thing. "SHARK!! EVERYONE EVACUATE THE WATER!!" A stranger yelled. I heard it immediately and shook Nick who was (as far as I know) relaxing on his back. He shot up and I had already started swimming as a way to guide him. I thought he was close behind but suddenly I heard a muffled scream and Nick was underwater with a shark on his leg. At that point I was about 6-7 ft ahead of him (close to shore) and a lifeguard was already rushing toward us. I swam like hell to Nick who floated up to the surface, only to be dragged down again. It was terrifying, his blonde hair (bi panic for blonde Nick 😍) was now a gross bloodied red and matted to his forehead, he looked pale and extremely scared, and worst of all it was all my fault. The lifeguard managed to scare away the shark and picked up Nick like he was a mother fucking feather and brought him to shore. 

Nick was hyperventilating, his leg and side were gushing blood like a waterfall, making him appear deathly pale.  A few medics were surrounding him, some of them tending to his wound and others trying to control his breathing (which I don't think he could do given his state of panic). Nick coughed a few times, blood coming up each time which made Nick panic even more. Matt rushed over and held Nick's hand soothingly "Nick, stay awake. I know it hurts but you gotta hold on." He said, trying to sound as non-panicked as possible. It hurt my heart seeing Nick in so much pain, he was wincing and shifting, as if he was trying to get comfortable (which he never would). He started crying but very silently as he wasn't breathing anymore,  "Nick! Shit his lips are turning blue, Nick you gotta breathe bud." I yelled, but then my whole world collapsed. 

Nick gave in.

HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT OF WORDS 💀 I'm making this into a two parter because of the sheer amount of words so I'll try to update this tomorrow, but I hope you like it so far!! 💜💜💜 I love you, pookies!

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