Come Back pt.2 - Nick

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Not much, a part 2 though! 

Nick is in extremely critical condition, but Chris can't bring himself to leave his side.

TW: cursing

Idea credit: @llcnmwhjh 💜💜💜

Chris's POV:

"Sturniolo?" The doctor called out, "that's us," Matt jumped up "how is he?" The doctor sighed, "Well, he was extremely hypothermic and he stopped breathing out of pure exhaustion from his body stressing underwater. Nicolas could be under for a while, his body has been through a lot of stress and cold temperature, we're thinking at least  a month." Matt looked on the brink of a complete breakdown, but he held it together and squeezed my hand. "You're welcome to see him if you would like?" The doctor suggested while guiding us to Nick's room. 

Nick's condition was terrible.

There were tons of wires and tubes laid around him, he looked more pale than a sheet of paper, and he was covered in some sort of reflective blanket to keep him warm. I was sobbing while Matt was lightly crying and I ran over to Nick. I couldn't leave him, I just couldn't, until I knew he was okay. 

Day 1: no response from Nick, he lightly seized but he was okay after a minute. Matt brought me some yogurt though, so that "I wouldn't starve"

Day 2: Nick is still comatose but Justin came to visit which made me feel better. I haven't slept, but both Matt and Justin said I should so that I don't stress myself over the edge.

Day 3: I fell asleep but had a nightmare that Nick coded again and I had a panic attack. Doctors helped me and I'm okay now.

Day 6: Mom and Dad came to the hospital today and Mom started crying. Dad brought me and him sandwiches that we could eat together so that we wouldn't miss anything about Nick.

Day 8: Madi and Larray came to see Nick and Larray just silently laid his head on Nick's chest and cried until it was time to leave. Madi, on the other hand, sat next to Matt and comforted him by trying to distract him.

Day 12: I fell asleep next to Matt and got the best rest I had in a while. Mom and Dad are trying to get me to leave Nick's side, but I feel too guilty.

Day 19: I wrote a letter for Nick since I miss him. 

Dear Nick,

I miss you a lot. I'm almost certain you can't hear me, but I heard somewhere that talking to asleep people stimulates the brain or some shit like that. I'm really really sorry that Matt and I ignored you while you fell over the edge, we should been more responsible. I should have been more responsible. I tried to save you, really, but Matt held me back while the paramedics took care of you.

I want you to wake up soon, I can't handle being without you, none of us can. Larray's a silent but complete mess, Mom and Dad miss you, Matt and I miss you like hell, Madi visits (with Larray) every week, the fans-oh my fucking god-they're crumbling with your lack of presence. We need you Nick, really.

I love you, the family loves you, the fans love you, our friends love you, we all love you. Although I know you can't hear this, I need something, anything, to give me hope that you're not completely gone forever. Everything would go to shit if you left, I'm not kidding. The world would go grey and depressed and I can't imagine how everyone would react.

Please Nick, I know you can't hear this, but please. Come back.

I love you,

Chris xx

After reading the letter out loud, I just sobbed into Nick's chest repeating "come back" as if it would ever work. Hell, we'd need a miracle for something like that to ever happen. That's what I thought at least. I don't know how, or if it was a coincidence, but something happened...

...Nick's eyes fluttered open.

WOW THAT WAS EMOTIONAL (for me) As always, requests are open, part 3 is coming asap, but I got to sleep so that I don't go comatose. I love you, pookies! 💜💜💜

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