Deep Waters pt.2 - Nick

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Hey guys! I'm back from vacation 🥳😢 Yeah, I don't really have much to say, but I do want to say that Nick is going to be intubated in this chapter, so I did my best to do research to find out like in what scenario he would be intubated, how long, and just stuff like that. So if I made any mistakes PLEASE CORRECT ME! I promise you it won't hurt my feelings or embarrass me, I'll just correct it if necessary and live on with my life. Sorry for yapping 💜😅

Nick is now in serious condition at the hospital and Chris is left feeling guilty 😢

TW: hospitals, blood, slight panic attack, cursing

Idea credit: @llcnmwhjh 💜💜💜

Matt's POV:

My whole world stopped. Nick physically couldn't breathe for himself anymore. I guess I zoned out because out of nowhere a weight is put on my side; it was Chris. He was hysterical, sobbing into my chest while all I could do is hold him and say that everything would be alright even though I didn't know it would be. "He can't breathe, we're going to need to intubate," one of the paramedics said to the others. I held Chris tighter as they proceeded to place a tube attached to a bag down Nick's throat and started pumping it. Chris tried to get up to see what was happening but I held him down as hard as I could. Nick was a bloody mess; he had a gushing chunk bitten out of his side, his leg was in an okay state but it still had a few gashes in it. (Btw, I looked up images for this part and they are BRUTAL so if you have a strong stomach, do as you please but otherwise DO NOT search this up) I absolutely could not let Chris see him especially given that mom was a distraught mess and dad looked like he was about to vomit at the site. Knowing Chris, he probably would've been a combination of the two (that sounds stupid but you know what I mean). 

The paramedics sped to the hospital with me in the back with Nick and Chris, mom, and dad following close behind us. "O2 stats are unstable, we're going to need to go faster" the EMT urged as the ambulance sped up. My anxiety was already bad, but this was just so much worse. I was sweating, dizzy, nauseous, and I just couldn't catch my breath, "hey kid, it's okay, your brother will be just fine," one of the medics told me, resting a hand on my shoulder, "listen breathe in for four...hold it...breathe out for four" she told me. Her voice was very soothing and the hot tears rolling down my cheeks stopped just like that. When we got to the hospital, they rolled Nick into the ER like there was no tomorrow and operated on him for what felt like days before a doctor came out, "Sturniolo?" He announced. Chris shot up out of his chair and sprinted to the doctor with the rest of us following straight after him, "Good news is Nicolas will live. He's perfectly stable as of right now and we're looking at a full recovery. The bad news is that we don't exactly know how long it will take him to recover at this stage. Nicolas lost a fair amount of blood and is currently comatose on a ventilator which could take anywhere from a few days to a few months. He is in patient room number 34 if you would like to see him." It feels like once you lose something, almost everything reminds you of it. For example, 3 and 4 are Nick's lucky numbers...My and Chris's lacrosse numbers...I could feel myself tear up at the slight mention of the number.

Usually I'm able to see things coming, I'm usually able to prepare myself for the absolute worst, but seeing my own big brother on a hospital bed with a tube down his throat is so much different than something like a horror movie, probably because this was basically a real life horror movie. I sat down next to Nick's bed and every noise just felt muffled. Mom and Chris's crying, the sound of tons of machines doing god knows what for Nick, the doctor talking to dad about what to expect for Nick, and the whole rest of the hospital, it was all just a muffled silence as I looked down at my pale brother. "Matt, honey, dad and I are going to grab some coffee, okay? Watch after Chris." Mom told me. 

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