Come Back pt.3 - Nick

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Hey everyone! So everyone that commented on my A/N (author's note for those who don't know 🙂) said that I should go with ending A so I'm doing that! If I get at least 2-3 people that want ending B I'll make that happen but for now it's ending A :) Enjoy!

Chris read a letter to Nick, and now (by whatever miracle) he's awake?!

Idea credit: @llcnmwhjh 💜💜💜 (here's the last part, pookie!)

Nick's POV:

I've been surrounded by darkness for what's seemed like years now, but something happened today. It wasn't completely quiet. Well, it'd never been dead silent, there was always murmuring from who I assume were our family and friends, but no. Today the murmuring turned into something louder.

It was...Chris?

I miss you a lot. I'm almost certain you can't hear me, but I heard somewhere that talking to asleep people stimulates the brain or some shit like that. I'm really really sorry that Matt and I ignored you while you fell over the edge, we should been more responsible. I should have been more responsible. I tried to save you, really, but Matt held me back while the paramedics took care of you.

No. Why do they feel guilty? I  leaned too far. I was being the annoying asshole.

I want you to wake up soon, I can't handle being without you, none of us can. Larray's a silent but complete mess, Mom and Dad miss you, Matt and I miss you like hell, Madi visits (with Larray) every week, the fans-oh my fucking god-they're crumbling with your lack of presence. We need you Nick, really.

I miss them, too. I needed to be with them, the loneliness was killing me more than the hypothermia did.

I love you, the family loves you, the fans love you, our friends love you, we all love you. Although I know you can't hear this, I need something, anything, to give me hope that you're not completely gone forever. Everything would go to shit if you left, I'm not kidding. The world would go grey and depressed and I can't imagine how everyone would react.

Shut up, Chris. I'm gonna kill you. I thought to myself. I felt the tears burning in my eyes. Wait- I felt something, what the hell?

Please Nick, I know you can't hear this, but please. Come back.

I love you,

Chris xx

I felt my body slip back into the real world and my eyes opened. Very slowly, but they opened. 

"NICK! OH MY FUCKING GOD, NICK!" Chris yelled. It was loud, but I missed them all so much that I didn't care. Chris jumped into my arms, Matt following after. Then mom and dad, and finally Justin. I missed that so much. Hell, I missed everything. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-" Matt cried. I put my hand over his mouth, "Hey, I'm here now. I'm okay now. It wasn't even your fault." Matt and Chris smiled, and we hugged for a little longer.

An hour or so later Larray and Madi came around and Madi hugged me really tight and I hugged her back. She let go, and Larray practically bombed me with his body, "I hugged you everyday, and you can finally hug back" he cried. "I felt your head on my chest every week, Larray. You have no idea how much I wanted to comfort you." I said. The best/worst part was I wasn't even lying. I felt him on my chest, I felt his hot tears fall onto me, I wanted to hug him tight. Chris and Matt hugged me a lot, too, but I always got to tell them I loved them. I could never tell Larray that I- never mind. 

I recovered a week or two later and it felt nice not passing out when I stood up 💀 I kind of wish I could tell Larray what I wanted but it's better not to. 

I'm just glad to be back.

Sorry that was so short 😭 I need requests btw because my dumbass can't form thoughts lmao :) I love you, pookies! 💜💜💜

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