Addicted - Nick

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Hey guys 💜!! Okay, I'm trying my best so hopefully this isn't completely shitty 😅 I know I've said this a lot and it's probably getting annoying by now but thank you so much for your patience and 1.1k READS?!?! I'M LITERALLY SO HAPPY 😁 Enjoy the story! 💜

Nick "was" addicted to drugs until his brothers caught him, but never really stopped. What happens when he takes it too far?

TW: drugs, addiction, vomiting, paranoia, greening out basically 💀, cursing

Idea credit: @st4szzzz 💜💜💜

3rd person POV:

It's okay. It's only one more hit.

One more drag. 

One more-

Nick had been telling himself "One more" whatever for the past 5 months or so. The triplets YouTube career had been getting harder with "fans" hating on them (iykyk 😢), Matt's anxiety worsening, Chris, well, Chris was still himself, but things had been pretty hard. He didn't know when it started, but Nick was coping by smoking marijuana pretty frequently and though he knew it wasn't healthy, he couldn't stop. 

Nick's POV:

I was smoking outside on the patio, taking my usual smoke break while Matt and Chris went to get God knows what from the store. Usually it took them about, I don't know, 2-3 hours until they got back, but today they came back after only an hour. "Nickyyyy! We bought stuff for burgers tonight do you want to come cook with us-" Chris stops talking abruptly as, I'm pretty sure, he smelled the weed (idk if weed and marijuana are the same 💀) from inside the house. "Nick what is that smell?" Chris asked me suspiciously, "Yeah, it smells awful" Matt added. Shit, I can't just drop the roll. I like smoking but it's not like I don't care about the environment. "Ohh iz nothinggg" why the hell is my speech slurred? I haven't been smoking for that long?  "Nick...turn around." Matt said cautiously. Well, I'd been caught. There wasn't much I could do except let them lecture me. "NICK IS THAT MARIJUANA?!" Chris yelled while Matt's jaw was just dropped. "I mean..yeahhhh..its not a fuckingg giraffe." I said, my slurring had gone away a little bit, but they could still tell I was high as fuck.

Chris stormed over to me and snatched the roll out of my hand before smashing it into the trash, "Really, Nick? I know things are hard, but you couldn't think of anything else to do? You could've fucking talked to us, you know that!" He yelled at me. "Nick do you realize how addictive this is? You could ruin your fucking lungs and die." Matt snapped at me. "Well jeez I'm soooo sorry that I didn't run to Chrissy and Matty for support and tried to deal with my own shit by myselfff." I said sarcastically. I knew it was rude, but I was mad. I was addicted and I knew it. I just...didn't want to help myself. Hell, I didn't want help. Chris sighed, "Look, Nick, I'm sorry that we yelled, but we can help you. This isn't good for you and we don't want to see you hurt." I started to feel bad, "It's okay. I'll try to get better, thanks." 

That was one big mother fuckin' lie.

4 months later and I'm still smoking. I'd been much more discreet about it, only doing it at night or when I was alone by myself. Matt and Chris thought they had been helping, which honestly made me feel kind of bad, but I needed the Mary Jane. I couldn't go without it. I always wanted it and when I tried stopping, I was itchy and restless, like being away from the drug would seriously kill me. But I should've tried harder. Chris, Matt, and I went to a party with Madi that was at a club where a lot of people were already smoking, so no one would notice me, right? Every time I was alone, I would take a nice long drag, and quickly hide it when Matt, Chris, or Madi would approach me. The night was going just fine, but the marijuana started catching up to me. I started feeling really dizzy and nauseous, like I couldn't see two steps in front of me without throwing up or falling over. 

I stumbled my way to the bathroom and fell into a room and closed the door without locking it. I was sweating so hard. I could barely move, every time I tried to move my body would fall out or collapse underneath me. However, I managed to muster up enough mobility to crawl my way over to the toilet and empty the contents of my guts out. I threw up for what felt like hours before collapsing again onto the cold tile wall. I was so disoriented, the walls were shaking, the noises were 10x louder than how they were the previous second, colors were brighter and yet the room was so dark at the same time. I started panicking. 'This is the end, this is how I die' I thought, and just as I started to slip into the midst of a panic attack, Chris and Matt burst through the door.

Chris's POV:

We were invited to a really cool party with Madi, and so when we got to the club, we all kind of split up to find our own people. The club reeked of weed and cigarettes, but I didn't really mind, I (thought I) knew that Nick was recovering well and that he wouldn't be tempted to take a hit from a stranger. What I was worried about was the fact that he kind of just stayed in one place, not really doing anything. About half way through the night, I looked over to where Nick had been sitting, and he wasn't there. I started getting scared. "Nick?!" I tried to yell over the bass of the music. I told Matt and Madi that Nick was missing, so we all split up to find him. I started by looking through all of the usual cliques in the club, Madi looked around outside, and Matt was asking people if they'd seen Nick. That's when Matt texted me

Mett 🐀 - 

Someone said they saw Nick run to the bathroom, come check it out?

Madi 🥳 - 

Okay, I'll be there in one min 

Me 😟-


Matt, Madi, and I met up at the bathroom and I knocked on the door, "Nicky? You okay in there?" I asked, no response. "Shit, what do we do?" Madi asked. I backed up and ran towards the door and, to my surprise, the door was unlocked, and Nick was quite the sight. He was a sweaty and pale mess and it was obvious that he was having a panic attack. "Hey Nick, look at me, okay? Follow my breathing, in for four...out for four..." Matt instructed while placing Nick's hand on his chest. Nick eventually calmed down, vomited again, and started crying. "I'm sorry, I didn't think it would go this far." He confessed while sobbing. "You didn't think what would go this far?" I asked, "I...never really quit smoking. I tried, Chrissy, I really did," Nick said shakily "but every time I tried I- I thought I was gonna die." He started sobbing again, holding onto me and Matt tightly (Madi excused herself to go home so we could deal with him). "I'm so scared." Nick said, looking up at me and Matt. His eyes were so exhausted, the ocean blue that usually coated his eyes had completely faded to a dull gray. "It's okay, Nicky. We'll get you real professional help instead of leaving you to deal with this on your own." 

"We'll help you, we promise."

3rd person POV:

After around 6 months of rehab, therapy, crying, and panic attacks, Nick was finally getting back to his old self. Chris and Matt were helping him to quit for good which worked really well, and while their parents were disappointed in Nick, they never hesitated to give him love and support on his way to recovery.

WOOOOO I DID IT!! Thank you @st4szzzz again for the request and patience with it especially since you asked a while ago 💜💜 other request is soon to be complete so hang on tight little birdies! I love you, pookies!!  

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