Bonding over past Sun and Solar Angst/Fluff

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Since Eclipses return, Moon has been acting agressive to most people and yelling, Solar has been trying to ingore it by making himself work to find Eclipse day and night hes up working
Sun on the other hand found a different method to deal with it by drinking. A little too much. At times

Solar is working late yet again. Not that he sleeps at all. Its a wonder his body hasn't fully shut down due to how little he charges. Sun knew this and was getting kind of lonely but also barely talks to Solar.
(hes the only one up at this time. And I don't want wake up Moon right now)
Sun took a deep breath and walked into the theatre where Solar was researching

"Theatres clos- oh. Heya Sun" Solar waves at the ray animatronic.
"Hello Solar! Sorry - uh- if I'm b-bothering you" Sun was clearly dying to ask Solar a question
"Nah, not at all. I enjoy the company, what's up?" Solars used to people wanting something from him if they even talk to him
"W-well! I was wondering if you would - like to... Hang out? Cause im- well ill be honest I'm a little bit lonely and dontwanttowakeupMoonrightnow- if thats ok!" Sun spoke fast but Solar understood,
"Hmm you know what." Solar spoke kind of oddly happy which isn't normal for the stoic mechanic. He walked around his desk to Sun
"Sure. Its about time we hung out a bit anyway" Solars happiness shocked his fellow ray animatronic, but he was happy to know he wasn't on his own now

"Thats true! Uh... I was thinking we could go to the bar? There's one not far from here!"
"Sure? I bet I can drink you under the table tho" Solar spoke as he walked around Sun to the door
"HEY! I BET OTHERWISE!" Sun yells running after his taller cousin? Could Sun call him that? I mean the others do why wouldn't he be able too.

The two walk into a pub, Sun keeping eye on Solar, He didn't leave the theatre or daycare often so Sun wanted to make sure he was comfortable. The pub had a few people in it but not that many, Solar felt weird at the lack of other animatronics and felt eyes staring at him, the lights were dim as they walked to the main part to order drinks

"What do you want?" Sun asked, Solar jumped a bit, kind of on edge but fine.
"Uh... VK? The black cherry one, if that's ok" Solar said, he always went to that one in a new place or when someone else was paying for him,
"Ok! Anything else or?"
"Nah... I-its fine"
"Ok cool! Ill order and you find us a place to  sit!"
"Cool yea..."
Sun was getting the idea that Solar didn't want to be there, normally hed blame himself but with Solar he knows its the whole, him not liking people thing.
Solar goes and sits down in the corner, Sun slowly follows with there drinks and sits down.
"So... Why me? Why'd you pick me to hang out?" Solar questioned. He sounded kind of annoyed but he always does
"Oh! Well I didn't want to wake up Lunar and Moon, and Earth would have probably made me sleep so yk, you where the only one"
"So I'm choice 4? Damn Sun"
"Nono! Its not like tha-" Sun was cut off bye the sound of laugher it was Solar he was laughing kind of, Sun was confused
"Im kidding Sun, dont worry" he reassures Sun as he takes a sip from his drink.
"Oh? OH! oooohhh. Hehe, I'm not used to Joking when its like that"
"Yeah? Unfortunately thats my whole deal. So good luck with understanding me at all"
"Ill try my best to!" (He takes a sip)
The two talk for a bit, Solar gets semi-tipsy and Suns just drunk, as Solar carries Sun home
"Immmm sorryyy Solarr"
"What are you sorry for?"
"Im a messss"
"Its ok Sun, noone in this family isn't a mess"
Solar sneeks into Sun and Moons house and lays him down in his bed.
"There" Solar says softly whispering, "you get some sleep"
"Youurrree one to talllk!"
"I've got work to do"
Sun ends up convincing Solar to sleep there that night so he can make sure they sleep

"Morning Moon" Solar spoke in a quiet but annoyed tone
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Moon asked, Solars random showing up in the night,
"Sun held me at gun point to sleep over"
"I did not!" Sun yelled from the kitchen, how the fuck he didn't have a headache what shocking
"Right" Moon said a bit annoyed, "Im heading to the daycare, you two can follow, or dont. I dont care."

"K bye Moon" Solar responded

"Byee Moon!" Sun yelled back
Moon leaves the house leaving the rays alone once again
"Well, he sounds like he's in a good mood already today." Solar said, clearly sarcastic.

"Haha, yeah, hes been like that since Eclipses return." Sun said, he sounded, sad. Kinda

"I know, he needs to chill, and that's from me!" Solar said,

"He's staring to sound like" Sun starts

"Him" Solar and Sun said at the same time, both remembering their old Moons, both worried that he'd end up the same. Both too scared to tell him

//This will be updated when I can be asked.

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