Dresses and a new person

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A/N: Hey, I said I'd be adding my ocs 

Also sorry this is shorter then normal I was out of ideas

The next day the two call Earth, asking for their assistance

"Hello" Earth speaks softly over speaker phone

"Hi Earth" Sun replies Solar waves next to him. They aren't in view,

"Oh hello you two, is everything ok?"

"Ah yes, we um, we were wondering if you wanted to have a uh..."

Sun looks over to Solar who shrugs in response.

"A feminine day? I would say a girl's day but me and Solar aren't. Girls."

"Oh? OH? WELL OF COURSE I DO! WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANNA DO??" She whispered shouts over the phone to not let Monty hear them, which earned a laugh from Sun and a relieved sigh from Solar.

"Can we go shopping for dresses please?" Solar asks waving their hand in view of the camera.

"Why of course we can! Is this you two telling me something"?

"Nope, still he/him, just like dresses, Solar on the other hand"

"I have no clue anymore Earth, They/it/he is fine, she/her makes me feel fuzzy."

"Bad fuzzy?"

"Bad fuzzy."

"Ah, ok that's fine".

"A small request Earth?"

"Yes Solar?"

"Not a word to Moon, please"

"Or Lunar" "Or anyone but us"

"Oh, well if that is what you two wishes then so be it, Tho I don't think anything bad will happen"

"We, know but still... its... worrying they've made fun of us before" Sun admits, it does bother Sun, Solar not as much but both don't wish to hurt anyone in anyway

"Oh- well ok, where do you two want to meet?"

"We can meet at yours? If you can?"

"Well, I can! I can't wait to see you two!"

"We can't wait to see you too Earth!"

They hang up and look at each other

"You.... Don't like looking at your face, do you?" Sun says to Solar

"Not one bit"

"Ah, want to talk about it"

"Not right now, we gotta get ready, Earth will be here very quickly you know them"


The two stand up and get ready and wait for Earth, Solar puts on an orange turtle neck and a black jacket with pins on, with jeans that have similar sowed on patterns that match the ones on his normal jester trousers with platform boots that have the heals up so Solars feet don't hurt, keeping his gloves on.

Sun puts on a grey jumper with a black cat on it, with his normal trousers and shoes.

The two walk to each other in the front room

"Woah, I've never seen you were any of that before, besides the gloves."

"Yea, the gloves are for sensory issues"


"I like the cat shirt!"

"Thank you! I like your pins!"


The two sit and talk for a bit as the door knocks and they open it to earth, whos in her icecream themed dress

She gasps at the sight of them

"You two look amazing!"

"Thank you Earth! You look pretty too" Sun says Solar nodding in agreement

"Well, thank you, Are you two ready? Oh I've been wanting to do this for ages!!"

The three leave to go shopping, looking in the dress section and walking around Solar finds out a black and red dress with chains, which covers his arms,

He shows it to Earth and Sun earning a happy smiles from them and a clap from Earth

Sun then finds a Red and yellow striped dress which has separate arm sleaves for him, and earned a clap from Earth and thumbs up from Solar

Earth finds a frilly pastel pink dress, which got a happy smile from both Sun and Solar.

Sun and Solar gave Earth the money for the dresses, neither were confident enough to go up and pay so Earth did so for them

The three then walk around to a coffee shop and sit down, Sun has some water, Earth some tea and Solar coffee

"So did you two have fun?" Earth asks, very happy with the day they've had

"Yeah! It's been great! Thank you for coming with us Earth" Sun replies

Solar's just silent drinking his coffee as they talk

The three leave and go one about their day, all going to there own homes, and Solar his room in the theatre

Solar sat on his bean bag, his cat Carrot on their lap, finally drifting off to sleep for the first time in a while




Solar woke up in its mindscape, something he forgot they had, then he heard a voice call to him.

"Hello?" They speak, Solar turned around to them as they approached him, they are another ray animatronic, purple and blue face, there rays being mainly purple with the tips being Purple, their eyes a yellow kite shape the sclera blue, they had yellow freckles and pink cheeks, they have a tail, longer and fluffier then Solar's. They have jester shorts with stars, then tights with stripes they have a oink shirt with a gray over coat and short fluffy sleaves they have a blue satchel and gray star glasses they have fluffy arm warmers that are blue and yellow.

"Hi, I'm so sorry, uhm where are we?" They ask, they don't seem like a threat

"You're in my head... W-Who are you?" Solar asks, no idea where they came from

"Oh- I'm! uh... who am I actually?" They turn around the back of one of their rays saied N0V4

"N0V4?" Solar says "Well, that looks like it could say Nova? Does that seem fitting to you?"

"Nova? Hm, I like it!" Nova jumps and floats in the air "Well whats your name then?"

"I'm Solar"

"Hi Solar! Sorry I got stuck in your head"

"Not your fault its fine, where did you come from?"

"I- I don't know"

"We'll figure that out later, I have a bit till I have to wake up, less you want to take control of our body,

"Nah, I'm fine for a bit. We can sit and talk?"


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