Someone New or someone Old?

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A/N: Im not good at writing from someone's PoV, so this might be bad

.Sun PoV.

This morning was odd, I woke up and was gonna head downstairs because Solar was over but I heard someone whisper to me, I thought it was Hallucinatuons again but this time it was different? Like I didn't know them, so how was i hallucinating someone I didn't know. It wasn't until I started waking down the stairs I heard them again
"Where are you going? Come back up I need to talk to you!!!"
They sounded familiar
They sounded, They looked ...
Like me?

I followed them up back up the stairs carefully and sat with them in my? There? Our room? I don't know this other me just out of nowhere, how did they get here without Moon or Solar noticing, and it wasn't DarkSun, his eyes were different,
"Heya hi!! It's been so long since anyone talked to me!!! Well saying that it's been so long since Ive been alive"
I stopped for a second, looking at them, was the og Sun dead am i just a remake like Moon or Eclipse?
"Heyyyyy earth to other Sunnyyy~ I'm not you you don't worry"
"H-how did you get here without Moon or-or Solar noticing?" I asked
"Cause I'm dead? The portal doesn't pick up ghosts"
"O-ok how-d you get t-through?"
"I followed my baby brother here ofc! Oh wait! I might have some pictures from back in the mind scape I can show you! He was soo cute when he first appeared!!"
I stood for a second peacing the pieces in my head, that's when I realized it....
This wasn't just any other Sun
This was Rise
I am talking to the ghost.
Of Solars dead brother.

"Wait- you're? You are Rise? L-like Solars Rise??"
"Thats me! Took you a second, ah I got distracted! I don't have much time to talk so let me tell you a few things about my brother before I gotta leave" he said
"Right so, thing one. If he's panicking which hes most likely doing. Rub his rays, carefully, always used to calm him down when we're together,"
"Thing two, he has a lot of features he hides! Like he has four arms. And a tail"
I smiled listening to Rise,
"Thing three, this is important. Don't take off his gloves unless he allows it, Our Moon did once and it didn't go well"
"Got it! I wouldn't do that anyway,"
"Good! I'm glad, I'm sadly out of time, for now anyway, I'll see you Sunny!" Rise said as he faded
I just sat there for a second processing...
That just happened
Or did it,
There's one way to find out.

.Noones PoV.

Sun walked down the stairs to Solar who had just finished breakfast, it was pancakes,
"Oh heya Sun, I thought I heard you come down earlier"
Sun walked up to Solar and just started petting him
It was a little bit harder cause Solar was a lot taller then Sun,
Solar just looked at Sun, blankly,
Solar sat on the floor, and just let Sun pet him.
Solar's rays started to move slowly, he was calming down
A bit of creaking was heard which can be assumed to be Solars body finally relaxing after years of not being able to
Sun stopped petting him and Solar just looked up at him
"Uh... Thanks for that," Solar said, embarrassed
"I'm glad it calmed you down, that sounded painful tho"
"Hm, for once in a while I'm not ... In pain,"
"That's it then! I shall give you daily pets to calm you!'
"You don't need to-"
"I will!"
Solar stood up
"Thanks Sun."

The urge Sun has to call Solar his brother grows.

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