July 16th

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It is not July 16th when writing this it is April 24th but still

A day that Sun hated and dreaded for the day it all went horribly
This year it was a kids birthday party and Sun was setting up some of the decorations trying to not think about it, with Solar by his side, the two were in the theater as the kids parents booked the whole thing, for the whole day,
Solar set up all the movies as Sun walked passed him and looked over his shoulder
"Well, do the movies look good?" Solar asked, he's not really good with kids.
"Uh, yeah, I think Ted might need to be removed"
"Wait, what's wrong with Ted? It's a bear?"
"A lot of swears and those types of jo-"
"Oh god ew. Yeah I'm taking that off Jesus"
"Are you alright you've been shaking a lot today?" Solar asked
"Uh? Yeah it's just a bad memory that's all" Sun said
"Ah, I'm sorry for bringing it up"
"Its- ok, E-Solar"
Solar turns to the door as a bunch of kids come in, Solar lets them in and go into the movie area and starts playing the movies as Sun greets them with a smile and happy tone as they go through
"Ugh, that's annoying to do, seriously Sun how do you do tha- Sun?"
Sun is on the floor shaking
For Sun the room is dark, just figures around him, Bloodmoon being one of them, smiling and laughing at him, "no one can help you this time" they say,  "I mean Solar doesn't know what happened he'd think you are crazzzzyyyyyy he" as the two laugh at Sun the faces of dead children appear around him "we trusted you Mr Sun" on and on kids faces and Voices Bloodmoons laughter erupting im his non existent ears
Moon... He was also there "you idiot, why didnt you control yourself, you are useless to do that! You could have kept him down, you could have fought back YOU SHOULD HAVE FOUGHT BACK

Sun looked up, "Eclipse"
"No- well technically- but no I'm Solar,"
"Get away from me"
Sun starts crying as Solar does as asks and backs away from him
"I'm not leaving you like this, but you want space so I'll sit over here, so I can make sure you don't hurt yourself, alright"
Suns mind is spinning, Voices filling the air, still somehow Solars still appears louder,
Sun looks up to not see Eclipse there, he's... Not happy? Eclipse being gone should have stopped it but it didn't Bloodmoons cackles over take his mind as he starts tugging and bending his rays, almost snapping them off as a shark plushie appears in front of him,
Sun takes the plushie and hugs it tightly hiding his head as a pair of Headphones also appear along with a phone
Sun puts the head phones on and starts playing music at a high volume as the room starts to lighten up a bit his head still in the plushie as a weighted blanket appears on top of him,
Sun flops onto the ground being caught by a pillow and a hand carefully
Everyone's voice fades as Sun falls asleep.

A few hours pass and the kids have gone home
One unfortunately got sick so Solar had to clean it up as Sun wakes up and stretches,
He then sees a figure in front of him the figures eyes glow a yellow-orange
"Eclipse?" Sun asks
The figure approaches as their eyes fade out of the glow
"O-oh OH Solar I am so sorry-"
"Hehe it's not your fault my eyes glow Sun, did you rest alright? I tried my best not to make you uncomfortable," Solars soft voice allows Sun to calm down
"Y-yeah, I feel better now, I've been so worried about today I haven't been sleeping," Sun says
"Well then, you sleep a bit more,"
"But the party?"
"They went home" Solar says as he sits next to Sun
"Kid threw up, one of the films they requested too"
"I can clean-"
"Already cleaned"
"What about-"
"Sun. Whatever needs to be done I can do it, you need to rest."
"You won't let me out of this huh?"
Sun puts the weighted blanket over him and flops down again
"I hate you for this"
"Love you too Sunny"
Solar leaves to attend to duties there's not much to do as the whole day was meant to be booked but oh well
Sun drifts off once again to sleep, this time without blood moons painful cackles

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