An understanding

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Sun and Solar stood, staring at each other for a second, minute? Hour? It sure felt like it. Sun was the first of the two to speak up.
"Yeah, the old Moon. Wasn't the best." Sun sounded, sad? But not at the fact he was remembering the bad, it was more of a: "I still loved/love him" way,
"Hey you have this Moon, maybe he's acting a bit like old Moon yeah, but he'll listen to you, I know he will" Solar spoke, trying to reassure the other ray that it was alright,
"Yeah, same for you!" Sun chearpped up,
"What?" He questioned, "I appreciate it Sun, but this is about you, not me. So don't try to change it around to me." Solar spoke sternly, he may have only known his Sun for a short amount of time, but that didn't mean he didn't know how they work.
"I- I was- Ok, I'm sorry,"
"Don't be sorry, you aren't used to people listening to you, but I'm here, and I'll listen, to whatever you want" despite sounding like a chain smoker Solars words were soft and calm, reassuring to his new Sun, someone he cared about the same amount as his old one,
"So wanna talk about Old!Moon, or something else?" Solar asked, not wanting to push Sun past his comfort zone.
"Hmm i-i don't really want to remember Old!Moon right now, so hmmm... Something else? Hmm but what uhhhh" Sun and Solar sat in comfortable silence while Sun thought of something to talk about, Solar sat patiently waiting, the normally slouched mechanic was sat up straight, Earth taught him that this was a way to show you are all "ears" or something like that.
After an hour Sun finally thought of something to talk about, Cats! Not to Solars surprise at all
"So did you know that there's a condition that cats can get called Cerebellar Hypoplasia! This is also known as the wobbly cat syndrome! Where kittys do a wobble walk, it's so cute, but can be painful for the poor kitty" Sun spoke, this is the longest time Solar had ever heard Sun talk with our stuttering, hes was going for a few hours, Solar asking questions when he got curious about something, most of it was, how much would that cost, Solar themselves was looking for a cat, and who better then the cat expert himself Sun to ask.

Bonding over past Sun and Solar Angst/FluffWhere stories live. Discover now