You too need help

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Sun starts getting better, getting the ability to tune out the voices he hears sometimes, with Solar and Rises help, however Sun begins to notice something with Solar
He's not talking about his problems,
This whole time Sun talked about his problems with Solar but never the other way around,
Sun needed Solar to open up, but how
"Aha! I got it"
He goes up to his room and sets off a star light he was gifted by a certain someone
"Sun? What's up" The ghostly sun figure spoke
"Rise! I need you a second"
"I can tell"
"Look," Sun sighs "The entire time me and Solar have been talking about our problems, it's not be both of us, Only me, is- do you know anyway to get him to open up to me?" Sun asks, he's worried and feels like he did something wrong but his main focus is Solar
"Ah- aaaaaahhh- thats- uh- tricky, you just gotta wait for him to do it himself, there's no way of making him, even in the mind scape he kept secrets,"
Rise's response seemed to upset his alive counterpart,
"Ah, thank you anyway"
"If I could do more I would-"
A voice called from outside the door
"Sun? Are you seeing things again, I'm so close to telling" the raspy but soft voice was recognisable, even though there were two of the same voice this one was strongly different
"A-a Nono! I'm just on a work call! Don't worry Solar" Suns panicked voice managed to scare the other ray
"Sun? You are panicking I'm coming in."
"Rise-" Sun said through gritted teeth
"Uh huhhh uhhhh shit" Rise flops under the bed just as Solar enters the room
"I know you don't like me just barging in but i don't want you cracking a ray" Solar spoke as he sits down on the bed,
"A- well I was on a work call!"
"No you weren't."
"I-" Sun sighs "I was rattling ideas"
"For what?"
"Getting you to open up."
"I need you to talk to me, how are you feeling and what happened"
"I'm not going to force you if you don't want to, but just know," Sun leans on Solar "I care about you, just like I care about the others,"
"I- I- thank you, I-i'm not ready to talk about it yet but i-i will do"
"That's good, I can Sense theres alot you haven't spoken about"
The two (three) sit in comfortable silence for a bit
"Wanna do something Sol?" Sun asks
"Yeah, please"
The two exit the room
"That was close- good to see them be happy" rise says as he leaves the place again,
Solar and Sun did some baking and made some chocolate chip cookie, brownies and more to share amongst the family

Bonding over past Sun and Solar Angst/FluffWhere stories live. Discover now