So its a ray thing

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Sun had been thinking for a while about who he was, dress wise, he liked wearing dresses, really liked wearing them, but he felt like everyone would make fun of him. So in his room Sun tried on a dress, one of which he kind of took from Earth, or well, asked her to borrow it for dress up with the kids, And he put it on, or tried too, his body was wrong for the dress the zip got stuck and he couldn't reach it, it wouldn't move and Sun was stuck in it.


He was stuck in the dress and didn't know how to get out, he worried that everyone would make fun of him and he couldn't leave the room, he was stuck and he was crying

"Sun? Sunny??" Rise fazed into existence.

"C-can you help?" Sun asked he alternative counter part.

"I- I cant touch anything physical, Ask Solar, he's not going to laugh"


"I know Solar, he would never".

"Mm, ok" Sun sniffled taking his phone out to message Solar

Private chat

Sun: Hey, Solar?

Solar: Yeah Sunny?

Sun: Can I have help please.

Solar: Where are you

Sun: My room

Solar: Give me 5 ill be right there

Sun: Thanks

Sun looked up at Rise.

"He said in 5" Sun said then the door was knocked,

"Sun?" Solars voice spoke through the door as Rise vanished,

"Its open"

Solar opened the door and walked in looking at Sun

"I-I the zip was stuck," Sun says in panic

"Hey, hey its ok you're ok" Solar's soft voice calmed his ray friend

"Let me look" Solar asked.

Sun turned around allowing Solar to see,

"Ah that's what happened".

"What? Is it bad?"

"Nono, its just caught on the fabric from the inside, I can undo that easily".

And easily he did undoing the zipper immediately

"Oh- Oh thank you Solar"

"No worries, It's a nice dress where'd you get it?"

"I stole it from Earth..."

"Aw, damn"

"Why do you ask?"

"Oh uh..." Solar starts fiddling with his rays tugging on them slightly

"Idk really" He says, "Guess it's the whole- Not a man thing?"

"Oh?" Sun says, "Oh wait- wait huh?"

"Idk- I just," Solar sighs "Genders weird, I've never cared for it, just went with he because everyone called me that, but uh... idk"

"That's ok um what are your pronouns?" Sun asked Solar

"Uhhh They/It/He... I think? Idk they fit at least" "What about you?"

"Huh? Oh, still He/him" Sun replied

"Just like dresses then" Solar asked lying down on suns bed with his head hanging off.


"Sweet, hmm.." Solar paused

"What is it?"

"We know that Earth wont make fun of us right?"


"And she wont say anything if we ask her not too right?"

"I believe so,"

"So, who better to ask for help with dresses?"

"O- That's a good point! We can ask later?"

"Mhm, Id feel more comfortable with you being there after all"

"Oh- Really?"


"Oh, Well thank you brother!"

Sun and Solar paused and looked at each other for a second for Sun that felt like an hour.

"Brother?" Solar asked,

"W-well I've been wanting to call you brother and with everything happening I didn't want to make things awkward and-" Sun paused the mechanic was softly crying something Sun had never seen him do, any version of him.

"Oh- Oh Solar are you ok".

"M-mhm" These are good tears d-don't worry".

"Are you sure?"


"So- Brothers?" Sun asked.

"Yeah... Brothers"

Bonding over past Sun and Solar Angst/FluffWhere stories live. Discover now